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What Is Emotive Language? Learn Here!


What Is The definition Of Emotive Language?

Emotive language is language that can be understood, understood accurately, or understood by the public at large. 

Emotive language is a way of talking that is based on emotions rather than logic. Emotive language is often used instead of rational language.

It can be quite useful if you would like to persuade someone or get them to do something. 

When you use emotive language, you are using emotional words to convince someone to do something or make them believe something.

While it is not always possible to know exactly why people feel the way they do, it is possible to know that someone is feeling that way.

This can be used to put across the message across the right way by changing how the ideas are expressed.

The characteristics of emotive language are complex and varied.

The differences distinguish emotive language from non-emotive language and include subtle differences in the way sentences are constructed or word choice.

If you want to know more about emotive language, keep reading!

What is emotive language in English writing?

It’s very important for English spoken language learners to develop an understanding of emotive language (also known as emotional language) in the English language.

This is because emotive language is used in almost every language; almost every word can be used in an emotional sense.

The most common forms of emotive language include adjectives, adverbs and nouns.

Although these three types of words are all considered as part of the same group, they are actually very different from each other and have their own specific meanings.

1. Adjectives describe properties such as colour, size, shape, weight, material etc. Adjectives usually emphasise the positive aspects of an object.

For example, “beautiful” describes an attractive person/object. However, it also means good-looking; therefore, this word has two completely opposite meanings.  

2. Adverbs help us clarify our ideas with verbs and sentences. They indicate how we feel about what we say.

In describing emotion, adverbs are not so helpful because it’s hard for others to understand your feelings unless you give them some clues.

3. Nouns represent objects which can be seen, touched, smelled, tasted, heard, felt, etc. A noun is usually used when describing things, places, events, actions, etc.

For instance, “a beautiful girl” represents a female who is beautiful. But the meaning of this sentence depends entirely on the context.

It could mean many things depending on whether the speaker likes her or she doesn’t. Therefore, the listener must guess what exactly was meant by the writer.

Examples of emotive language in English writing:

For example: “I’m so happy for you” when your friend wins an award; “You’re my best friend.”

When you say these things in a positive light, it will have more impact and can easily convert into action!

Some examples of emotive language include:

  •  I love you – this means someone loves another person
  • You’re awesome – this shows appreciation, respect or admiration towards somebody
  • It’s been great having you around – this message implies gratitude, but not necessarily friendship.
  • We had fun together last night – this expresses happiness, pleasure and enjoyment.
  • No matter what happens, life goes on – this conveys hope and optimism
  • Good luck to you – this shows that something wonderful may happen soon
  • Let me know if you need anything else – this lets the receiver know he or she isn’t bothering you by asking unnecessary questions
  • Have a nice day – this tells people to enjoy themselves today, even though tomorrow might bring unpleasantness

How to use Emotive Language Correctly?

The rules for how to use emotive language correctly are:

1. Always start with “I”.

This is because you should always begin communication with yourself first before communicating with others.

2. Make sure what you write has meaning behind it.

For instance, don’t just tell someone they look good with no context. Explain what makes them ‘look’ good.

3. Don’t overuse adjectives.

Adjectives describe a noun. If you say too many adjectives, try replacing some of those adjectives with verbs.

For real-life examples, Instead of saying he/she looks beautiful, say she/he has beauty. Or instead of saying you were late, replace was with saying. This will help your messages come across in a better manner.

4. Never use negative sentences.

Negative statements usually sound very harsh and may even offend other listeners. Negativity causes stress which could affect your ability to communicate effectively.

So avoid using phrases like, ‘you shouldn’t be doing that, ‘don’t say that’, etc.

5. Be careful when choosing the right word.

Choose the most appropriate word that fits within the sentence structure. Avoid clichés and colloquialisms.

Also, while speaking, pay attention to tone. Try to maintain consistency between your speech and written work.

6. Learn from mistakes that you’ve made in past conversations.

Find out where you went wrong and analyse the situation so you won’t repeat similar errors again. Then learn from the lesson and improve upon it.

7. Speak slowly and clearly.

Using short sentences and simple vocabulary helps your listener understand that you care about their opinion. People are naturally drawn to slow-paced conversation.

8. Keep in mind about different cultures.

Some people speak differently depending on their culture. Therefore, you need to adapt your style accordingly.

There might be cultural differences in grammatical terms of vocabulary, slang and grammar usage. For basic examples, Spanish speakers use informal expressions to talk about formalities and greetings.

9. Add punctuation appropriately.

Punctuating properly allows readers to follow along quickly. It also helps you maintain a good flow of ideas and avoids the reader getting lost in your writing.

Punctuate with commas, periods or no punctuation at all depending on which style is used.

Why is it important to learn emotive language?

Emotions influence our moods. When we feel happy, sad, scared, angry, surprised, excited, confused, inspired, disappointed, disgusted, embarrassed and the list goes on.

These emotions can influence us physically as well. The brain signals every part of the body whenever we experience one of these feelings.

We become more likely to eat certain foods, sleep at night, exercise regularly, and even breathe deeper. These physical changes can cause a change in personality or behaviour.

Our thoughts also play a role. Positive thinking leads to positive behaviours such as being optimistic, having confidence, and taking action.

Pessimistic thinking often results in pessimism and procrastination. Learning how to control our own emotions is crucial for living life successfully.

To do this, we must know how to express ourselves emotionally through writing and verbal skills.


Our emotions result from our brains interpreting our experiences. These interpretations are based on our beliefs, memories, and expectations, which are all deeply intertwined with the act of learning.

Emotions can have a huge impact on how we express ourselves, and how we understand others through their expressions.

Good use of emotional figurative language can make all the difference in how others feel about what you write.

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A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.