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How Do You Build Your Students Confidence In Online Teaching?

There are several ways to teach online. Some people prefer to use Skype or other video chat software while others prefer to use webcams and microphones.

However, regardless of the method used, there are some essential steps that should always be taken when you start working with students online.

These steps can be applied whether you’re teaching kids as young as five years old or adults who want to learn new skills like coding.

Student confidence are much more important than any technology. If a student is not confident they will never succeed at anything.

So it’s very important for teachers to make sure their students have all the tools needed to succeed before starting an online class.

Teaching strategies to build a confident student

More and more we also hear about students being exposed to trauma. As mentioned earlier, one of the most effective ways to build up a confident student is to teach strategies that encourage positive thinking.

We all need encouragement sometimes! If you notice that your student is having trouble focusing during lessons, try giving them some praise for trying hard.

You might say something along the lines of:

“I noticed that you were struggling to focus today but I really appreciate your effort.” Or maybe you would tell them that you saw them working so hard and that you admire their persistence.

Here are things every teacher needs to know about building confidence:

1. Praise their efforts

When we praise our children for doing something well, we are actually encouraging them to do more of it.

This can also apply to adults too – if someone does an excellent job at something, give them credit by saying how great they were.

The same goes for mistakes; instead of pointing out what went wrong, compliment them on how hard they tried.

2. Avoid correcting every word in free speech

It might seem like common sense, but many teachers still make mistakes with grammar and punctuation. This could lead to confusion among your students as they struggle to understand why something was written incorrectly.

Instead, focus on teaching key concepts rather than getting bogged down by small details.

3. Encourage independence

When working independently, encourage your students to ask questions if they get stuck. Don’t assume they know how to solve problems without being told.

This can help you build confidence among students.

4. Inspire student confidence

An effective teacher are always inspiring. They don’t just talk about facts and figures, they inspire their students to achieve greatness.

5. Be patient

As a teacher, patience is probably one of the hardest qualities to master. Building student confidence are not easy either.

But remember that this takes time. It may take weeks or months to see results from these techniques.

6. Give feedback

Giving constructive criticism is difficult because it requires us to look inside ourselves and admit where we made mistakes. However, it’s crucial to helping your students improve.

7. Keep learning

If you’re interested in improving yourself then keep reading books and articles related to education. You’ll find plenty of useful information here.

8. Have fun

Happy students are productive ones. So when you feel stressed, remind yourself that there will be other days when you won’t have any work to do. Enjoy life while you can!

9. Stay motivated

Don’t let stress affect your ability to deliver quality content. Instead, use motivation tactics such as goal setting and reward systems. These methods will ensure that you stay focused throughout each lesson.

10. Take breaks

Stressful situations often cause people to lose concentration. Games time can help break up long periods of study. If possible, try taking short walks during class.

11. Use technology wisely

Technology has become part of everyday life. We all need to learn how to use it effectively though. Here are some tips to consider before using tech tools in the classroom:

  • Make sure everyone knows how to turn off devices properly.
  • Teach kids how to set privacy settings on social media accounts.
  • Set rules regarding cell phone usage in school.

Confidence building activities to try with your students

As students work on building self-confidence, one way that educators can assist with this is to have students create obtainable goals.

Another strategy that educators can use to build self-confidence is to provide opportunities for students to practice skills that will benefit them later in life.

For example, teaching students time management skills such as prioritizing tasks and setting deadlines can really help students learn to manage stress and anxiety.

Teaching students how to write a resume and cover letter can teach them valuable job search skills.

These types of activities give students real world experience while developing essential skills needed for success.

You can do a performance activities with your students such as:

Free-speaking activities, any practical activities or role play activity an interview or giving a presentation. This type of activity helps develop important communication skills like public speaking and listening.

Another great idea would be to get creative with your lessons by having students make presentations or videos. Students who present well tend to gain more respect from peers and teachers alike.

What contributes to low self-confidence?

Self-confidence is a combination of many factors: self-esteem, knowledge and skills, social support, and the ability to cope with stress.

Students who are low on one or more of these components may be at risk for developing poor academic performance. The following characteristics contribute to low self-confidence:

  • Poor grades

Poor grades in class are associated with lower levels of self-efficacy.

  • Lack of motivation

This are common for students who struggle academically. They lack the necessary skills to succeed in their classes.

  • Low income families

The parents of children living below poverty level report lower levels of parental involvement than those whose children live above poverty line.

Low family incomes also correlate with higher rates of absenteeism among elementary school students.

  • Family instability

Children raised in unstable homes are less likely to achieve high educational standards.

Children who grow up without stable relationships between parent and child are more likely to exhibit behavioral problems.

  • Difficulty concentrating

Many students are having trouble coping with their studies because they lack sufficient sleep. Lack of sleep causes fatigue which leads to lower levels of energy and focus.

It also makes it difficult to concentrate.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of homework assigned to you, take a step back and ask yourself if what’s being asked of you is too much.

You might find that you don’t actually need to complete everything given to you.

  • Anxiety about tests/exams

Anxiety are very dangerous because they lead to depression which leads to suicide. It’s not uncommon for someone to commit suicide after experiencing severe levels of stress.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember that you don’t have to handle everything alone. You can seek out professional counseling services if necessary.

The best thing you can do is take care of yourself first so that you’ll be able to better serve others.

  • Fear of failure

Having fear of failure can lead to procrastination which leads to lower grades. It’s best if we can identify what causes our student’s lack of confidence so they can take steps towards improving their situation.

  • Quieter students

Quieter students are less likely to speak out if they don’t agree with something being said. They also might not ask questions because they think their answers aren’t good enough.

If you notice that your student seems quiet, encourage him or her to talk. You could say things like “I noticed you didn’t raise your hand earlier today.

What was going through your mind?” Or “It sounds like you had trouble understanding what we were talking about last week.

  • Shy students

Shy students or a shy learner are those who prefer not to speak out loud unless they know their audience very well.

They might also avoid eye contact because they don’t want others to see what they think of themselves. Shy learners usually struggle academically due to lack of interest in learning new things.


In conclusion, if you want to increase student confidence, focus on providing positive reinforcement and encouraging effort rather than focusing solely on grades.

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A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.