Engaging quiet students can be difficult, but there are a few things you can try. Try starting class with a question or problem that will get their attention.
Have them write down their thoughts on the board. Ask questions about their lives, experiences, and interests.
Do they know any special talents? If so, share those stories with the class. Use humor when appropriate.
Shy students may need extra time in front of the classroom before speaking up. You might ask for volunteers from each table at first.
Then have everyone introduce themselves as part of your welcome message. This is also an opportunity to learn more about who these shy kids really are.
If all else fails, give them some space. Let them sit quietly until it’s safe to approach them again.
There are formative assessments students that can use to help identify where they struggle most.
Engaging the quieter students
The first step in engaging a student who has become quiet and withdrawn is to identify what might have caused this behaviour, for example:
- Is it because they are feeling anxious or stressed?
- Are they having trouble with their studies?
- Do they feel like no-one understands them?
- Have you been too busy to notice when they were struggling?
- Has someone else made fun of them recently?
- Does your child seem angry all the time?
Conversations with students can also provide clues into why they are behaving differently. For instance, if a student says “I don’t want to talk right now, I’m tired” then perhaps he/she needs to rest.
Or maybe she just doesn’t want to discuss her feelings. It’s important not to push further than necessary – remember that children often do not wish to disclose personal information unless asked directly.
There are shy students who find talking very hard. They may prefer listening over talking.
In such cases, asking open ended questions could encourage them to speak out.
It is possible that a student feels embarrassed by his/her own lack of confidence. He/She may therefore avoid social situations altogether.
A teacher should never force him/her to participate in activities which make him/her uncomfortable.
How to respond to a student who becomes aggressive?
Aggressive and louder student in school are usually bullied. Bullying is defined as repeated physical, verbal or emotional abuse directed towards another person.
The victim of bullying does not necessarily experience negative emotions during the incident itself.
However, after experiencing the event, the victim may develop symptoms of anxiety, depression, low self esteem, poor concentration, sleep problems etc. These effects last long after the initial episode of aggression.
In order to prevent bullying, teachers must take action against bullies.
There are different ways how to respond to a aggressive student in school. Some examples include:
- Ignore the bully
- Ask the bully to stop.
- Talk to the bully.
- Tell the parents.
Teachers can also try to change the environment around the bully. A good way to do this would be to create a positive atmosphere in the classroom.
Do open-ended approach positions students who are being teased. Ask them “What makes you think so?” or “Why did you say that?”. You will get answers from both sides.
Teachers need to understand that teasing is normal behavior among teenagers. However, there are times when it crosses the line and causes harm.
If a student is being teased on purpose, ask him/her to tell you exactly what happened. Then follow up with the other students involved.
Teacher relationship to students
Students’ relationships with their peers and teachers play an essential role in shaping their academic performance. Students who enjoy strong peer support tend to perform better academically.
On the contrary, those who receive little attention from friends and family members struggle more at school.
The influence of teachers can have a profound effect on students’ lives. Therefore, it is crucial for teachers to establish healthy relationships with all students.
This includes making sure that every child has access to adequate resources and opportunities to learn independently.
When teaching, teachers should always keep in mind that each individual student has unique learning style and personality traits. The best way to help your students succeed is to tailor lessons according to their specific needs.
When teaching young people, one must consider the following points:
- Be aware of the importance of developing healthy friendships between students.
- Encourage students to share ideas about friendship.
- Make sure that students know that they are valued and respected.
- Do break time and students time to do what they want
What are types of students in school?
Student types in schools vary greatly depending on age group, gender, ethnicity, socio economic status, disability, language background, religion, culture, and many others.
Some common characteristics of children are listed below:
Children’s personalities differ based on their ages. For example, younger kids are generally happy go lucky while older ones are often moody and introverted.
Younger kids are typically friendly and outgoing whereas older kids are shy and reserved. Kids usually become more independent as they grow older.
They start thinking for themselves and make decisions by themselves.
As kids mature physically, they begin to show signs of puberty such as body hair growth, voice changes, facial features, and sexual development.
Most importantly, kids gain knowledge through experience. As they progress through life, they acquire new skills and abilities which enable them to adapt to changing situations.
Other types of students in school:
- Introverted students
introvert students are not interested in socializing with other people.
These individuals prefer spending most of their free time alone doing things like reading books, playing video games, watching TV shows, listening to music, etc.
They may be shy and avoid eye contact with strangers. Introverts also find it difficult to express feelings verbally.
- Extroverted students
Extroverted students / extroverts love interacting with other people.
They are sociable and talkative. Extroverts are very active and energetic. They are enthusiastic and optimistic.
These students are good listeners and are able to communicate effectively using verbal communication techniques.
In addition, these students are confident and assertive. They are comfortable expressing opinions and sharing thoughts.
- Socially anxious students
Anxious students are afraid of being judged or rejected by others. This makes them uncomfortable when talking to unfamiliar people.
However, socially anxious students don’t feel threatened if someone talks negatively about them. Instead, they worry about how others will perceive them.
- Gifted students
Gifted students are always good at level thinking questions, There attention in class are high, and they have a strong desire to learn.
Students who are gifted can easily understand abstract concepts and think outside the box.
- High achievers
A student is considered an “high achiever” if he/she has achieved success in academics, sports, arts, community service activities, leadership positions, etc.
The term “high achieving” refers to those students who excel academically. High-achieving students tend to score well on standardized tests and achieve higher grades than average students.
- Talkative students
Talkative students are lively and enjoy communicating with friends and family members. These students are easygoing and open minded.
They are eager to share ideas and information with others. However, some talkative students might get carried away during conversations and end up saying too much.
- Quiet students
Quiet students are calm and relaxed. They rarely speak unless spoken to first.
Quiet students are usually polite and respectful towards teachers and classmates.
They listen carefully before responding.
- Confident students
Confident students are always positive and upbeat. They believe that everything happens for a reason.
They know what they want out of life and work hard to reach their goals. Confidence helps them succeed in all aspects of life including academic achievement.
- Self-assured students
Self-Assured Students are outgoing and friendly. They are happy to make new friends and often become leaders within their peer groups.
Their confidence comes from having self-esteem. Self-confident students do not let negative comments affect them because
- Noisier students
This noisy students in school are always making noise. They like to play loud music while studying and listening to loud songs.
Some noisy students even bring headphones into classrooms so they can study without disturbing anyone else.
A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.