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How To Start Learning Japanese? Find Out Here!

How To Start Learning Japanese?

Learning Japanese can be an intimidating prospect, but it doesn’t have to be! Getting started on your Japanese language journey can be an overwhelming task, but with a few simple steps and some dedication, you can easily become proficient in this beautiful language.

First, you’ll need to decide what type of Japanese you’d like to learn. There are so many different dialects and styles that choosing one might seem daunting at first, but deciding which variant of the language you want to focus on will simplify your learning process.

Once you’re done deciding, it’s time to start studying! You can begin by familiarizing yourself with the basics of phonetics and grammar before moving on to more advanced concepts.

Additionally, picking up a textbook or two can help reinforce the concepts that you’ve learned or introduce new topics. You could also search online for free resources such as vocabulary lists and tips on pronunciation or terms that can help widen your understanding of the language.

Finally, don’t forget to practice speaking too! Finding a study partner or enrolling in a class might help with meeting people who are already fluent in Japanese and provide opportunities for guided conversations.

Having fun while learning is key too—watching movies in Japanese or playing video games subtitled in Japanese may help with acquiring new words more quickly than if you stick solely to books and tutorials.

Learning Japanese can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and resources, it doesn’t have to be! One of the best ways to learn Japanese is by making Japanese friends. Not only will you get to practice your conversational skills, but you’ll also get to experience the culture firsthand. Plus, having native-speaking friends can help you develop a more natural-sounding accent and pronunciation.

Another great way to learn Japanese is by mastering phonetic characters. Hiragana, katakana, and kanji are the three different scripts used in the Japanese writing system. While learning all three scripts may seem overwhelming at first, mastering them is essential for developing your reading and writing skills in Japanese. Fortunately, there are plenty of online resources available that can help you learn these characters quickly and easily.

Finally, don’t forget about speaking practice! Even if you have a good understanding of the language, it won’t do much good if you don’t have a native-sounding accent or pronunciation. To achieve this goal, try listening to podcasts or watching videos in Japanese as often as possible. This will help you become more familiar with the language and improve your speaking skills.

In conclusion, learning Japanese can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By taking the time to practice and master the language’s phonetic characters, making Japanese friends, and speaking as often as possible, you’ll be able to make significant progress in no time!

Learning a new language can be an intimidating and daunting task, but with the right approach, it can also be incredibly rewarding. With the right linguistic knowledge and language systems, you can learn any language quickly and efficiently.

One of the best ways to do this is by using language pairing, which involves learning two languages at once. This method has been proven to be more effective than traditional methods as it allows for faster acquisition of both languages.

When using language pairing, it is important to understand the grammar patterns of each language in order to effectively communicate between them. For example, if you are learning Japanese and English together, you should familiarize yourself with both English grammar and foundational Japanese grammar.

By understanding how these two languages interact with each other grammatically, you will have an easier time transitioning between them when speaking or writing.

Another great way to learn a new language is by immersing yourself in its culture. This means listening to music in that language, watching movies or TV shows that are spoken in that language, or even talking with native speakers who can help guide your learning process. Immersion is one of the most effective ways to learn a new language as it allows you to experience the culture firsthand while also learning the language.

Finally, it is important to remember that learning a new language takes time and dedication. It is not something that can be done overnight, so it is important to stay motivated and consistent in your studies. With patience and practice, you will eventually reach fluency in the language of your choice!

With these methods combined, your path toward becoming well-versed in Japanese won’t be far behind. Good luck!

1. Familiarize Yourself With The Japanese Alphabet

Learning Japanese can be a daunting task for any language student, but with the right tools and resources, it doesn’t have to be! With the help of language exchange apps and language learning applications, anyone can start improving their Japanese language skills in no time.

One of the best ways to get started is by using a language exchange app. These apps allow you to connect with native speakers from all over Japan who are willing to help you practice your Japanese.

You can chat with them in real time and ask questions about grammar, pronunciation, and even cultural nuances that will help you better understand the language. Not only will this give you an opportunity to practice speaking Japanese, but it will also give you insight into how native speakers use the language in everyday life.

Another great way to learn Japanese is by using language learning applications. These apps provide interactive lessons that cover everything from basic vocabulary and grammar rules to more advanced topics like reading and writing kanji characters.

They also offer quizzes and exercises that test your knowledge so that you can track your progress as you go along. Additionally, many of these apps come with audio recordings of native speakers so that you can hear how words are pronounced correctly.

No matter which method you choose, the important thing is to stay consistent and motivated. Learning a language takes time and dedication, but with the right resources and attitude, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience!


If you’re starting to learn Japanese, the first step is to become familiar with the Japanese alphabet. Even though there are thousands of Kanji (words with Chinese characters), understanding the alphabet is a huge part of learning any language.

That’s why it’s important to begin your journey by getting acquainted with Hiragana – a form of writing that utilizes syllabaries instead of single-letter characters and is used in everyday communication. When you start reading or writing Japanese, you’ll be using this writing system more than anything else.

To get started, try looking up some simple words or phrases written in hiragana and practice pronouncing them out loud. You can also use mobile apps like Memrise, which have flashcards that illustrate hiragana characters and teach pronunciation.

Being able to read and write using hiragana will provide the essential groundwork for mastering different aspects of the Japanese language without being overwhelmed by a foreign script! So take your time; once you have a good grasp on hiragana, you’ll be prepared for further study!


Getting started in your journey to learning the Japanese language starts with familiarizing yourself with the Japanese alphabet. Katakana is a writing system that is used primarily for foreign words and names, and it’s also commonly used alongside Kanji or Chinese characters.

In order to begin your hourly lessons, you will want to start by understanding what bears resemblance to Roman letters of English such as the A, B, and C’s except that each character has a distinct sound attached to it.

To help make your study of Katakana easier, there are three groups of characters that you need to know: ‘Kara’ (から), ‘Sokuon’ (そくん), and ‘Yōon’ (よう). As you may notice when studying these characters, they bear good resemblances to English letters but have different sounds attached – hence why it can be tricky! It would be wise to invest some time into learning the basic character sets before progressing further.

Once you have established the basics of reading Katakana then continue towards memorizing how each character reads and their correct spelling combinations. With dedication and practice, it will become much easier!


One of the first steps to learning Japanese is to become familiar with its intricate writing system. Kanji, one of the three alphabets used in Japan, is a writing system composed of logographic Chinese characters that are adopted and adapted for use in the Japanese language.

To get started, it’s best to learn the basics of hiragana and katakana, two components of the Japanese writing system which consist of 46 basic characters each. Practicing the characters will help you develop a better understanding and appreciation for how they are combined to form Kanji words later on.

In addition, these two components serve as an essential foundation to recognize kanji written words in context. It’s also important to remember that there are over 1,945 ‘kanji’ approved by the Japanese government; so don’t worry if you can’t learn all of them right away!

2. Work On Your Grammar

If you’re serious about learning Japanese, then you’re going to have to take the time to work on your grammar method. A great way of doing this is by thinking of the language in terms of its particular structure and order. This means breaking down sentences into individual components, like adjectives, verbs, nouns, adverbs, and particles, which all come together to form one cohesive whole.

To help with this process, it can be useful to study specific types of questions related to the language. These could focus on things like verb conjugation or sentence structure.

You could also get a hold of some textbooks or an online course that specifically focuses on different aspects of grammar programs. Once you start getting more comfortable with concepts like sentence order and particle usage, then it will become much easier for you to understand how the language works as a whole.

3. Memorize Some Key Phrases

Memorizing some Japanese phrases is an important step in learning Japanese. It can help you get a better grasp of the language and make communication much easier. When starting to learn a new language like Japanese, it’s best to start with some common phrases that you can use in everyday conversations.

You should begin by memorizing the phrase “Ohayō gozaimasu”, which is the Japanese equivalent of “Good morning”. Then move on to phrases like “konnichiwa” which means “hello” and “arigatō” which means “thank you”. Memorize several other common greetings and expressions like these and practice them until you can say them without thinking twice.

This isn’t difficult to do, but it will take some effort on your part if you want to learn and use these expressions fluently. By investing time in memorizing key phrases, you’ll be able to communicate better with native speakers and have a much more enjoyable experience when speaking in Japanese!

4. Make A Schedule

If you are serious about learning Japanese, it is essential to make a schedule. Having and following a schedule will help you develop discipline and focus on your goals.

It’s easy to get off track when there aren’t set guidelines to help you stay focused. Try creating a daily or weekly effective lesson plan that categorizes your study time into manageable chunks of time.

It would be beneficial to schedule specific times throughout the day devoted solely to studying Japanese. This could look like an hour in the morning, 30 minutes at lunchtime, and around 30-45 minutes in the evening – if that fits with your lifestyle and free time. Dedicating specific chunks of time for language learning each day can help make sure you practice as often as possible.

Working through Japanese lessons tailored towards speaking or grammar one day, then dedicating another day to listening or reading is also a good way to organize your studies by topic. Planning ahead will help ensure that you don’t forget any important aspects of language learning that are important for grasping the entire culture and language of Japan!

5. Get Started With Apps

When it comes to starting your Japanese learning journey, apps can be a great place to begin. Apps let you access language-learning materials on the go and give you the benefit of practicing anytime, anywhere. With a wide range of material available like tutorials, exercises, and even reading materials, getting started with learning apps is an effortless way to jumpstart your studies.

Not sure where to start? Popular iOS and Android apps are designed with tailored daily lessons to make learning more fun while helping you of both beginner and advanced levels gain proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking Japanese.

There’s also an abundance of web-based platforms that provide immersive content for your learning enjoyment. Whichever platform suits your lifestyle best, investing in quality software can really help supplement and motivate your studies. So go ahead – take the plunge into Japanese learning today by downloading an app! 

6. Concentrate On Flashcards

If you want to start learning Japanese, then flashcards are a great way to begin. Flashcards can give you an edge in memorizing vocabulary, as well as help you solidify grammar and syntax. Plus, they can make studying fun!

Flashcards are easy to use and highly effective in helping you remember new words and phrases. You can create your own flashcards with some paper and a pen or by using different websites, apps, or programs that are designed specifically for Language Learners. When making your own cards, it’s important to fill both sides of the card with all the information about each word.

For example, on one side include the English translation of the word and also any other helpful details like its pronunciation or usage tips. Then use the other side for filling out its corresponding Japanese writing, including kanji characters and hiragana/katakana symbols if applicable.

By taking advantage of this language-learning sensei or tool, combined with practice in speaking, listening, and reading Japanese every day, you will be able to gain further insight into correct sentence structure in no time at all! Concentrating on flashcards is an excellent way to kickstart your journey toward becoming proficient in Japanese.

If you’re looking for a way to supplement your linguistic language learning, then online resources are the perfect place to start. With so many websites and blogs dedicated to teaching Japanese, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

One of the best ways to get started is by using online dictionaries and phrasebooks that provide translations for words and phrases. This is especially helpful if you’re looking to learn more about the language’s grammar knowledge and syntax.

Another great way to utilize online resources is by taking advantage of online courses and tutorials. These can be a great way to get an introduction to the language, as well as help you practice your skills in reading, writing, and speaking Japanese.

Finally, don’t forget to take advantage of online forums and communities that are dedicated to learning Japanese. These can be a great way to get feedback from native speakers, as well as connect with other learners who are at the same level as you.

By utilizing these online resources, you’ll be able to gain a better understanding of the language and make progress in your studies.

7. Interact Online With Native Speakers Or Other Students

Interacting online with native Japanese speakers or other Japanese National language learners is a great way to practice and solidify the knowledge that you’ve acquired so far. It can be as simple as exchanging a few words on your favorite social media platform or as complex as studying together in an online learning environment.

It also provides a valuable opportunity to gain insight into the language, culture, and even slang of real Japanese people. Many websites offer you the ability to search for native speakers who speak Japanese fluently and are willing to become your teacher or chat buddy, helping to give you an immersive experience with foreign language partners.

Additionally, there are many online communities like group chats and forums that allow students of all levels to connect with each other and help each other out with questions about foundational grammar, pronunciation, usage, etc.

This is a great way to make progress in learning the language—you will not just get feedback from teachers but also benefit from observing conversations between fluent speakers. So make sure to take advantage of all the options available on the internet when it comes to learning Japanese!

8. Watch Anime

If you’re looking to start learning Japanese, anime can be a great way to do it. Watching anime not only helps with improving your pronunciation and understanding of the native language’s grammar abstract but also gives you an insight into the country’s culture and customs. This makes learning new slang words or idioms much easier since you get regular exposure to them in a fun and engaging way.

Plus, watching anime can encourage you to stay motivated while attempting to learn the language; as getting used to seeing characters speak Japanese will make you feel like you’re already making progress!

And if you can’t find the subtitled version of your favorite show, you always have access to dubbed versions which typically feature simplified scripts and fewer words for easier comprehension. So what are you waiting for? Dig out your favorite Japanese anime and start enjoying it today!

9. Listen To Podcasts

Want to pick up Japanese faster? One great way to absorb the language is by listening to podcasts! Podcasts provide a great opportunity for both beginners and advanced learners alike. It helps you learn conversational Japanese quickly and with power phrases and keywords, you can become an expert on Japanese culture in no time.

You don’t need any special equipment or subscription to start learning Japanese with podcasts. All you need is a device that can access the internet, either your phone or computer and then search for specialized podcast channels like NHK World Radio Japan or JOZU which offer audio programs in multiple languages including Japanese.

By pausing, replaying, and repeating phrases, it’s easy to remember the pronunciation of difficult words as well as learn the regional accents of native speakers from different parts of Japan.

Furthermore, by listening closely and becoming familiar with different dialects spoken in various parts of Japan, you’ll develop an ear for conversational speech which will broaden your understanding of the language significantly!

10. Do Not Be Afraid To Make Mistakes

When it comes to learning a new language, making mistakes is an unavoidable part of the journey. As intimidating as it may seem at first, making mistakes when trying to learn Japanese can actually be beneficial for one’s progress. It’s important to keep in mind that no matter how many times you fail or mess up, you will eventually find success if you stay persistent.

Making mistakes during your learning process helps you realize which areas require more focus and attention than others. Whenever something goes wrong, take a moment to reflect on what just happened so that it won’t happen again! Not only does this help build resilience, but it serves as a valuable tool for progressing with each challenge.

The key here is to not be discouraged by failure; instead, embrace it as an opportunity to get better at what you’re trying to learn. Have confidence in yourself and don’t become too hard on yourself if something isn’t working out right away; there’s always time to make adjustments and try something new! After all, there’s no shame in making mistakes – they are fundamental parts of the learning process.

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A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.