How Much Tutoring Is Needed For A Child?
Parents often wonder if there is a right number of times that a child should meet with a tutor or educational coach. Some parents feel that their child doesn’t need to meet with a tutor at all. Others believe that their child needs to meet with a tutor multiple times per week.
For most students, twice-weekly tutoring services provide sufficient support. However, for those students who need more intense support, twice-weekly meetings are not enough. Parents should consider whether their child requires more frequent support.
Research shows that the majority of students do best when specialized tutors work with them regularly and consistently. Most students benefit from two meetings per week. However, some students need more frequent support. No one can deny the good impact of tutoring.

Short Term Tutoring
There are times when short-term tutoring might work well for academic success. However, there are also times when it won’t work at all. You’ll never know until you try it out.
Short-term tutoring is great for strengthening weak subjects in children. However, it’s not very effective at improving overall academic performance. Short-term tutoring is most helpful for students who already have strong subjects and only need help with weaker ones.
For example, if you notice that your child struggles with math, short-term tutoring session days might be able to strengthen his/her weak subject. However, if your child needs help with reading comprehension, writing, spelling, grammar, etc., then short-term tutoring won’t really help him/her.
Sometimes, short-term tutoring can be very effective. For instance, if your child struggles with math, then you may find that short-term tutoring helps them to improve their grades. However, if your child struggles in multiple subjects for exam preparation, then short-term tutoring isn’t going to cut it. Short-term tutoring only works if you’re able to pinpoint a specific problem and fix it. Otherwise, it’s just a waste of time.
Long Term Tutoring
On the other hand, long-term tutoring is usually more effective. Once you’ve found the root cause of the problem, you can focus on fixing it. Long-term tutoring is also less expensive than short-term tutoring. So, if you think that long-term tutoring is the best option for your child, then you should definitely look into it.
You should always consider long-term tutoring options before trying short-term tutoring. Sometimes, short-term tutoring doesn’t work because you haven’t identified the right issue. So, you end up spending hours doing nothing.
Long Term Vs Short Term Tutoring
A long-term tutor helps students throughout the entire course of study. He or she provides guidance and support during the entire academic experience. On the other hand, a short-term tutor only works with students during the semester or quarter. He or she does not provide any additional support after the class ends.
Short-term tutors are usually less expensive than long-term tutors. Because they don’t have the opportunity to develop relationships with students, they lack the ability to provide the level of service that long-term tutors can.
Students should consider the benefits of long-term tutoring before deciding which option is right for them.
A long-term tutor is usually more effective because he or she can work with the same group of students throughout the entire academic experience. Students feel comfortable talking to him or her and trust his or her judgment. As a result, they tend to ask questions and seek advice from a long-term tutor.
Effects Of Tutoring On Students
There are several studies out there showing that children do best when they receive regular advanced tutoring programs. There are many benefits of tutoring support in education. One study showed that children who received tutoring once every two weeks performed better academically than children who didn’t receive any tutoring. Another study found that children who met with a tutor twice a week did significantly better than children who only met with a teacher once a month.
Research also suggests that students who receive more frequent tutoring perform better than students who receive less frequent tutoring. A study conducted by researchers at Harvard University found that students who were assigned to receive tutoring five days a week scored significantly higher on standardized tests than students who were assigned to attend school without receiving tutoring.
For most students, twice-weekly sessions are enough for standardized test scores. However, for those who need more intensive support, twice-weekly sessions may not be enough. You’ll want to talk to your child’s teachers and ask about the level of support your child receives. If your child isn’t getting the support he/she needs, you might want to consider enrolling him/her in private lessons.

How Long Should A Tutoring Session Last?
Research shows that children do best when tutors meet with them regularly and consistently, usually once every two weeks. However, some students require more frequent support.
For most students, twice weekly sessions provide sufficient support and help them to receive tutoring goals. However, for those students who need additional support, twice-weekly sessions are not enough. Parents may want to consider whether their child requires extra support.
Hours of tutoring can be 45 minutes or 1 hour. A longer session allows the student to practice concepts that were covered during the previous meeting. A shorter session provides less opportunity for practicing new concepts.
Some students need more intensive support. These students typically need 3 hours or more of successful tutoring per week. Students who receive more frequent support tend to perform better academically.
Most students benefit from 2 tutoring sessions per week. However, for those who need a more intensive tutoring programs consider increasing the extent of tutoring sessions.
A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.