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What Can Cause A Learning Disability?

What are learning disabilities?

A learning disability is a condition that affects how someone learns or processes information.

It can be caused by a number of factors including brain injury, genetic disorders, developmental problems, and neurological disabilities.

In addition, there are many other conditions that may affect the way you learn. As long as your teacher knows about these issues, they will work with you to find ways to help you succeed in school.

Types of learning disabilities

Learning disabilities are conditions that affect how people learn or understand information. They can be mild or severe, temporary or permanent, and they may occur at any age.

Some common types include:

  • reading disability,
  • dyslexia,
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
  • dyscalculia,
  • dysgraphia,
  • dyspraxia,
  • specific language impairment (SLI)
  • and visual processing disorders.

What are the 3 criteria for learning disability?

Learning disabilities are conditions that affect how people learn or understand information. They can be mild or severe, but they don’t necessarily interfere with daily life.

People with learning disabilities may have trouble reading, writing, speaking, listening, remembering, concentrating, following directions, or completing tasks.

The three main characteristics of a learning disability are:

  • difficulty in one or more areas of academic achievement;
  • difficulties in social skills such as interacting appropriately with others;
  • and having an impact on everyday activities like schoolwork, work, family relationships, leisure time, health care, self-care, and community participation.

What are the symptoms of a learning disability?

The most common symptom of a learning disability is difficulty with reading comprehension.

Other signs include:

  • poor memory;
  • trouble understanding instructions;
  • slow processing speed;
  • inability to concentrate on tasks for long periods of time;
  • difficulties in math; and an overall lack of interest in schoolwork.
  • Some children who struggle academically also show behavioral challenges.
  • These behaviors might include being easily distracted,
  • not paying attention when you’re supposed to,
  • getting into fights,
  • acting out sexually,
  • or becoming aggressive toward other kids.

Patterns of difficulties

Children with specific learning disabilities often experience similar patterns of weaknesses across different subjects.

For example, some students tend to do well in English while having difficulty with math.

Others find it difficult to read books about history because they’ve never been exposed to this type of material before.

The same goes for science fiction novels versus nonfiction texts. Students with dyslexia typically have trouble with words that look alike or sound alike.

This makes it hard for them to recognize letters and sounds. In addition, these individuals usually need extra help from teachers and parents to complete assignments. 

If you are struggling with any of these issues, it may be time to seek help.

There are many different types of therapy available, including:

  • cognitive-behavioral therapy,
  • dialectical behavior therapy,
  • and psychodynamic therapy.

These therapies can help you learn how to cope with your emotions and behaviors so they don’t interfere with your life.

What are the main causes of learning disability?

There’s no single reason why someone develops a learning disability.

It could be caused by:

  • genetics,
  • brain injury,
  • birth complications,
  • medical problems during pregnancy,
  • exposure to toxins at home or in the environment,
  • nutritional deficiencies,
  • emotional trauma,
  • or environmental factors.

However, there are certain risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing a learning disability.

If you think you might have a problem, talk to your doctor. He or she will conduct tests to determine if you qualify for services under federal law.

We hope our article has helped you understand what a learning disability is and how to identify potential risks associated with its development. We encourage you to share this information with anyone else who needs additional support.

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A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.