What Do You Learn As A Tutor?
Anyone who has ever taught or tutored knows that there is one thing that goes without saying: you learn a lot from teaching.
Being a tutor you not only gain a new perspective on the material you teach, but you also start to learn how information is absorbed, understood, and processed by various individuals in different ways.
Lessons You’ll Pick Up From Being a Tutor
The Value Of Listening
As a tutor, you’ll find yourself explaining a lot of concepts. However, you should never forget that listening is just as important as talking. Students appreciate being able to ask questions and receive answers, especially if those answers come from a trusted source.
You may think that you already know everything there is to know about a certain subject, but chances are that you don’t. Asking questions helps you gain a deeper understanding of the material, and it lets your student feel comfortable enough to ask questions of his/her own.
Make sure to answer any questions your students might have during your tutoring sessions. This not only shows them that you value their input, but it also gives them the confidence in asking questions themselves.
There Is No Replacement For Showing Up
As a tutor, you’ll inevitably encounter students who don’t want to work. Sometimes they are having a bad week at school, not getting enough sleep, or simply want to do something more interesting than math. Regardless of the reason, if you show up for class, even if you don’t feel like working, you’ll still learn something new.
Even if the student doesn’t end up learning anything new, showing up means that they learned that they can overcome any obstacle that seeks to overthrow them.
Even though the student may not learn anything new, they will learn that they can learn. Learning that you can learn is far more important than the specific lessons that you learn. Show up and learn something new every single day.
Everyone Is Different
You may think that everyone is the same, but they really aren’t. Everyone is different. Even if you look at two siblings, there are still differences between them.
Your job as a tutor is to teach your students not only the material you cover but also the life lessons you’ve learned along the way. As a teacher, you’ll find yourself learning from your students, and vice versa. You’ll pick up new life lessons every day, no matter where you live or what your background is.
No two people are the same. Even though we might seem very similar, our personalities, interests, strengths, weaknesses, values, beliefs, goals, dreams, fears, hopes, and aspirations are all different. We all have our own unique experiences, perspectives, and stories. Those differences matter.
As a tutor, you’ll realize that everyone is different. But that doesn’t mean that you should treat everyone differently. Instead, you should try to treat everyone equally. Treat everyone with respect and dignity, and don’t judge anyone by their appearance or personality.
Believe In People And Try To Assist Them In Realizing Their Potential
As a tutor, you’ll find yourself helping others realize their potential. Sometimes, though, you may encounter students who seem stuck in life. They struggle with schoolwork, lack motivation, or feel overwhelmed by life. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of their situation, you should focus on the positive ones. Help them see the good that exists within themselves and in their world.
You can accomplish this by encouraging them to believe in themselves and their abilities. Believe in people and try to help them realize their potential.
Checking In
As a tutor, you’ll want to keep track of your student’s progress. After every lesson, ask your students if there was anything they’d like to work on during the next session. Then, after each session, check in with your student’s parents to find out how they feel about their child’s progress.
This helps you stay consistent with providing and receiving feedback on what is going right, what needs improvement, and what needs to be changed going forward.
Teaching Skills You’ll Pick Up From Being A Tutor
You Value Each Student For Who They Are
As a tutor, you’ll find yourself getting to know your students very well. Because you’ll spend a lot of time with them, you’ll be able to pick up on their individual personalities and quirks. As a result, you’ll be able teach them in a way that makes sense to them.
This means that you’ll be able to tailor lessons to suit each student’s needs. You’ll also be able to incorporate their interests into your lessons. For instance, if a student likes playing football, you might include a lesson about the sport in your curriculum.
You Are Accustomed To Modifying Resources To Meet Specific Needs
As a tutor, you’ll be teaching skills that you’ve picked up through being a teacher yourself. By devising lessons solely for a single student, you already have plenty of experience tailoring resources and lesson plans for individual needs.
This is a crucial skill that you’ll pick up as a tutor. As a teacher, you’ll be working with children who may have special needs. You’ll need to modify your resources and lesson plans to accommodate those needs.
Whether it’s a particular weakness or a barrier to learning that keeps your students from succeeding, you’ll be able to tailor your resources and lesson plans accordingly.
You Can Your It In Your Lessons
Technology is becoming increasingly integrated into our lives. We now rely on technology every single day. Whether we realize it or not, we’ve become dependent on it. Technology is everywhere, whether it’s in our homes, at work, or in school.

With your experience teaching students using online tutoring platforms, you’ll find yourself incorporating technology into your lessons. You may already include links to videos, images, and audio files while tutoring online. Those types of media are great for stimulating student interest and helping them learn.
As a teacher, you’ll find yourself integrating technology into your lessons. Don’t worry if you haven’t thought about it before; it’s actually quite simple. All you need to do is think about how you’d incorporate technology into your lessons. Then, simply look for opportunities to integrate technology into your lessons.
You Are Skilled At Elaborating On Ideas
As a tutor, you’ll find yourself explaining concepts to others in a variety of situations. Whether you’re talking to a student in class or helping a friend study for an exam, you’ll be using your language carefully in an effort to impart knowledge.
This skill is especially helpful if you work with children. Children are less capable of understanding abstract concepts, so you’ll have to elaborate on those concepts in order to teach them. As a result, you’ll develop confidence in your ability to communicate complex ideas clearly.
You Can Aid In The Development Of Your Students
While tutoring, you’ll have a lot of experience helping students develop certain skills. These include improving their reading comprehension, writing skills, math skills, study habits, etc. As a result, you’ll already have a great deal of knowledge about how to teach those subjects.
That means you can focus on developing your student’s strengths instead of trying to cover every weakness. Instead of spending hours teaching a student how to write a paper, you can spend less time doing that and more time focusing on his or her strengths.
This is especially helpful if you’ve taught a similar course before. By knowing what works well for your previous students, you can adjust your teaching style accordingly. This makes tutoring experience easier and more effective.
By using this method, you’ll be able to quickly identify the most effective strategies for teaching your students.
Planning Engaging And Relevant Lessons Is Possible
As a tutor, it’s important to keep your lessons fresh and exciting. One way to achieve this is to vary the types of activities you use during your lessons. For example, if you’re working with a group of children, you might ask them questions about a certain subject, then give them a task where they have to research the answers themselves. Or, you could play a game where everyone takes turns answering questions.
This allows you to focus on specific aspects of a topic without getting bored. Plus, it gives your students plenty of opportunities to practice new skills.
Work Can Be Evaluated
As a tutor, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to evaluate your student’s learning. Whether you’re working with younger children or older teens, there are several ways you can evaluate their progress.
For younger learners, you can give them tasks and ask them to demonstrate their understanding of the material. Asking questions is another great way to gauge whether your student understands the lesson.
As a tutor, it’s important to keep track of your student’s progress. You can do this using a variety of methods, including writing down notes during lessons and quizzes, keeping a record of assignments completed, and checking homework regularly.
Earn a little extra cash as a private tutor by evaluating your student’s performance.
A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.