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Online Tutoring Jobs For 14 Year Olds

The online tutoring jobs for 14 year olds are the best way to earn money.

You can make a good amount of money by doing this job and it is very easy to do.

All you need to have is an internet connection, your own laptop or computer with webcam and microphone.

There are many websites that offer these services so if you want to get started then just search on Google “online tutoring jobs”.

There will be lots of results but some sites may charge more than others.

You should always check out their terms and conditions before signing up as there could be hidden charges.

Why Teenager and College Students Should Consider Tutoring?

Tutoring is an excellent way to earn extra cash while learning new basic skills.

It also helps students who struggle academically.

If you are looking for ways to earn money, private tutoring jobs might be a good option.

Many teenagers and college students are willing to pay for private tutors because they want to improve their grades.

There are many benefits to tutoring.

Here are some reasons why you should consider becoming a tutor.

1) You Can Earn Extra Money While Learning New Skills

Many people think that tutors only teach children how to read and write.

However, most tutors actually help kids learn other subjects such as math, science, history, etc.

This means that you can use your bit of time wisely instead of wasting it in front of the TV watching movies.

2) You Will Learn Something New Every Day

When you become a tutor, you will not only gain expert knowledge about different topics but you will also develop yourself into a better person.

When you work hard at something every day, you will eventually master it.

3) Your Knowledge Is Valuable To Others

Most parents would like to see their child succeed in school.

They know that having high-quality education leads to higher chances of getting a well paying job later on.

If you are able to provide quality information to someone else, you will definitely increase your value in society.

4) You Get Paid More Than Other Job Options

Most teens and adults don’t realize that teaching has its perks.

In fact, teachers usually receive much higher salaries compared to those working in fast food restaurants or retail stores.

The average salary for elementary school teacher is $50K per year whereas the minimum wage is around $7.25/hour.

5) You Have Flexible Hours

Teaching doesn’t require long hour sessions unlike other professions.

Most tutors spend between 2 – 4 consecutive hours each week helping students.

So even though you won’t be making enough money to support your family, you still have plenty of free time to enjoy life.

6) You Don’t Need A Degree Or Any Special Training

In order to become a successful tutor, all you really need is passion and patience.

There are no special requirements needed to start tutoring.

All you need is a strong desire to share what you learned throughout your lifetime.

Where can I look for online tutoring positions?

There are several websites where you can find jobs as a tutor.

Some of them include:

• Upwork – This website allows freelancers from across the world to post their services.

Freelance workers can choose which projects they wish to take part in.

• Fiverr – Similar to Upwork, this site offers freelance opportunities for anyone with basic computer skills.

• Guru – If you’re interested in starting your own business, then this platform is perfect for you.

Guru provides various types of businesses including tutoring.

• Freelancer – Another great place to get paid to do things you love!

You just need to create an account here and upload some samples of your previous works.

How Much Should I Charge As An Online Tutor?

One thing that should always come first when thinking about earning extra income through tutoring services is pricing.

It’s important to charge fair prices so that both parties benefit.

Here are some tips to keep in mind if you want to make more money while doing what you love.

  • First, determine whether you want to offer private lessons or group classes.

Private sessions allow basis in clients to ask questions directly without being disturbed by others.

Group classes involve small groups of students who discuss concepts together.

  • Second, decide whether you’d rather focus on one subject or multiple ones.

For example, if you specialize in math, it would probably pay off better than offering English help.

  • Third, consider how many hours you’ll work each day.

This depends largely on your availability but also on the number of students you plan to teach at once.

  • Fourth, think about how often you’ll meet with your client.

Will you see him every single class period? Will he only contact you during certain times of the day?

  • Finally, set up clear expectations regarding payment terms.

Make sure to clearly state upfront how payments will be made.

Also, let your student know exactly how much she needs to pay before beginning her lesson.

What Are the Requirements for Becoming an Online Tutor?

If you’ve decided that becoming an online tutor sounds like something you could potentially pursue, there are a few steps you must complete prior to getting started.

The following list includes everything you need to know before launching into the process of finding a job as a tutor.

1) Get Your Teaching License

Before you begin teaching, you’ll need to obtain a license.

Most states require teachers to pass exam board in order to receive certification.

These tests vary depending on the type of education program you intend to teach.

2) Find Out About The State In Which You Want To Teach

Each state has different laws governing teacher licensing.

Therefore, you may not qualify to teach in another state unless you go through additional training.

3) Register With A Licensing Agency

In most cases, you can register with a local agency instead of going through the hassle of applying for individual licenses.

4) Apply For Certification

Once you have obtained all necessary credentials, you’ll need to apply for certification from the appropriate authority.

5) Pass Exams And/Or Training Courses

After receiving approval, you’ll need to take courses related to your chosen field.

6) Start Offering Lessons

Now that you have completed all required tasks, you can start working as a professional tutor.

7) Keep Yourself Updated On Current Trends

As technology advances, new methods of learning become available.

You should always stay current so that you’re able to provide your best service possible.

8) Be Flexible When It Comes To Scheduling Clients

It’s important to understand that some people prefer having their tutors come to them and other individuals enjoy meeting face-to-face.

9) Offer Different Types Of Services

Some parents just don’t care where they get their child’s homework done; however, others do wish to find someone who specializes in this area.

10) Charge What Is Fairly Valued

When charging for services, try to charge based on time spent per session.

11) Don’t Overlook Small Fees

While it is true that many clients won’t mind paying small fees, make sure to keep these costs low enough to cover expenses.

12) Have Fun!

Tutoring shouldn’t feel like work.

Instead, focus on providing quality lessons while enjoying yourself along the way.

13) Stay Organized

Keep track of all assignments, deadlines, and any special requests by using a calendar or spreadsheet.

14) Make Sure That Students Understand Their Responsibilities

Be sure to explain what each assignment entails and why it matters.

15) Provide Feedback After Each Lesson

This helps ensure that both parties are satisfied with the outcome of the lesson.

16) Always Follow Up

If students haven’t responded after several attempts, contact them via phone or email.

17) Set Goals

Set goals for yourself when beginning your career as an online tutor.

18) Take Care Of Business

Make sure that you maintain good business practices such as keeping accurate records and being honest about billing procedures.

19) Build Relationships

Don’t forget to build relationships with your clients.

20) Enjoy Working As An Online Teacher

There are few things more rewarding than helping children learn something new.

As a young tutor, how do you gain trust?

Tutors often struggle gaining trust from students.

When you start tutoring business, you want to make sure you’re able to connect with your students.

If you can’t connect with them, then you won’t be able to teach them anything.

In this article, I‘ll share 10 ways to gain trust with students and get students to pay attention to your lesson.

1. Show Your Interest In Learning About Them

Students will respect teachers who show interest in them.

They know that if you really cared about them, you would spend extra effort trying to help them succeed.

So, before starting your first lesson, ask questions about how they learned English previously.

2. Ask Questions

Ask open ended questions during your lesson.

These types of questions allow students to express themselves freely without feeling judged.

3. Listen With A Smile

Smiling shows that you’re interested in what they say.

4. Use Humor

Humorous stories and jokes are great ice breakers.

But remember not to use too much humor because it might scare off students.

5. Be Yourself

You should always act naturally around students.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re teaching math or reading.

Just be yourself and have fun.

6. Keep It Short And Simple

Short lessons are easier to understand.

7. Offer To Help If They Need You

Offering to help students whenever possible makes them feel valued.

8. Give Clear Directions

Clear directions let current students know exactly what to expect next.

9. Explain The Importance Of Doing Homework

Explain to grade students the importance of doing homework.

10. Let Students Know When They Are Making Progress

Letting students know when they are making progress lets them know that you value their efforts.

What are some online jobs for 14 year olds?

If you’ve been looking for ways to earn extra cash, there are tons of options available today.

From babysitting to tutoring, these are some of the best side hustles.

1) Babysit Kids

Babysitting kids isn’t something most people expect to turn into a full-time job.

But if you like children and feel comfortable around them, why not try it out?

The average hourly rate for babysitters ranges anywhere from $10-$20 per hour depending on location.

And since you don’t need any experience, you could easily sign up for sites such as or to connect parents with sitters.

2) Teach English To Chinese Students

Are you fluent in another language besides English?

Then english tutor jobs to foreign busy student might be right up your alley.

Teaching ESL has become increasingly popular over recent years.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment prospects for teachers of English as a second language have increased significantly between 2010 and 2020.

In fact, BLS predicts demand for ESL instructors to grow by 19% between 2014 and 2024.

So if you enjoy helping other people learn new languages, this may be a good option for you.

3) Become A Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant does everything from scheduling appointments to managing social media accounts.

You can find gigs on websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and PeoplePerHour.

These services typically require applicants to submit samples of their previous work along with an application process.

Once hired, they provide training materials and instructions on how to complete tasks assigned to them.

4) Sell Your Crafts Online

Selling crafts online is becoming increasingly common among artists.

There are plenty of platforms where you can sell your artwork including Etsy, ArtFire, eBay, Amazon, and Pinterest.

Some sellers even use Instagram to promote their products.

5) Be An Uber Driver

Uber drivers get paid based on the distance driven and time spent waiting for passengers.

Drivers must pass background checks and undergo fingerprinting prior to being approved.

6) Work From Home As An Accountant Or Bookkeeper

Accountants and bookkeepers who specialize in working remotely make great money because they’re able to spend more time with family while still earning a decent income.

7) Start A Blog And Earn Money Through Affiliate Marketing

Blogging is one of the easiest ways to start making money through affiliate marketing.

All you need to do is create content that interests readers and then link back to merchants’ websites so that when someone clicks on those links, they end up buying whatever product/service you recommended.

8) Write Articles On The Internet

Writing articles takes minimal effort but pays well.

If you want to earn extra cash quickly, consider writing about topics related to health, fitness, parenting, personal finance, cooking, DIY projects, pets, travel, sports, fashion, beauty, relationships, dating, religion, politics, business, careers, education, technology, real estate, cars, hobbies, video games, food, music, art, science, history, books, animals, cartoons, comedy, etc…

9) Create Videos With YouTube

YouTube offers videos at all different levels of difficulty.

It’s easy enough to upload a few clips and begin getting views within minutes.

But it gets much harder once you’ve uploaded several videos.

10) Teach Music Lessons In Person Or Over Skype

Teaching lessons via webcam or phone has become very popular recently.

Music students often prefer these options since they don’t have to leave home during school hours.

11) Do Data Entry

Data entry jobs are always available and many companies pay per task rather than hourly wages.

12) Get Paid To Take Surveys

Surveys aren’t just used by market research firms anymore; there are also numerous sites out there that will pay you to take surveys.

The best part? You decide how long each survey lasts and what type of questions you’ll answer.

What jobs pay 14 year olds the most?

If you’re looking for a job, you might want to consider working at McDonald’s. The fast food chain has been hiring 14-year-olds across the US since 2015.

McDonald’s says it hires kids because it wants to give them an opportunity to learn new social skills and get a head start on their future careers.

But there are other jobs that pay teenagers even better than McDonald’s.

Here are the 10 highest paying jobs for teens:

1) Uber Driver

Earnings vary depending on where you live and your experience level as an uber driver, but overall you can expect to clear around $18k annually after taxes and expenses.

2) Bartender

Bartending isn’t only fun — it’s also lucrative if you work at a high-end establishment like Applebees or TGI Fridays.

You can typically expect to be reimbursed anywhere from $20-$100+ per hour, plus tips.

3) Dog Walker

Dog walking may not sound glamorous, but dog owners love having their furry friends taken care of while they go about their day.

Some pet sitting services offer discounts for multiple walks in addition to paid time off, which makes this a great side hustle idea.

4) Personal Shopper

Personal shoppers help people find clothes online and in stores. They generally charge between $15 – $30 per item, though rates differ based on location.

5) Childcare Worker

Childcare workers provide childcare services such as watching children, playing with them, feeding them, cleaning up after them, etc.

Most childcares need someone who is legally permitted to do so, and some require background checks.

6) Construction Laborer

Construction laborers build things using hand tools and power equipment.

This includes everything from framing houses to digging trenches to installing drywall.

7) Waitress/Waiters

Waiting tables doesn’t mean you have to wait until you’re old enough to drink alcohol!

In fact, you could probably make more money waiting tables before turning 21 than you would later in life.

8) Sales Associate

Sales associates sell products ranging from electronics to clothing to furniture.

They usually earn commission rate based upon sales volume, so the more stuff you sell, the bigger your paycheck.

9) Food Server

Food servers serve customers meals and snacks in restaurants. Depending on the restaurant industry and size, earnings range from minimum wage to well over six figures.

10) Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacies employ pharmacy technicians to assist pharmacists fill prescriptions and perform routine tasks associated with dispensing medications.

These include counting pills, preparing labels, checking inventory levels, scanning barcodes, verifying patient information against medical records, etc.

What are the Pros and Cons of an Online Job for Teens?

Are you looking for a job that allows you to work online from home? If so, then you might want to consider becoming a virtual assistant.

A virtual assistant is someone who works remotely for another company.

They usually perform administrative tasks such as answering emails, scheduling appointments, booking travel arrangements, etc.

Virtual assistants are often hired by companies to handle their customer service needs.

However, there are also plenty of opportunities for teens to become virtual assistants.

Here are some pros and cons of working as a virtual assistant for teens.


• Flexible Hours – Virtual assistants don’t need to follow any couple of hours. This means that you can choose which days and times you wish to work.

• Work From Home – Many people enjoy being at home while still having access to all the conveniences of modern life. So why shouldn’t you?

• No Office Space Required – There are no office spaces required for virtual assistants. Instead, most employers provide training on how to complete various tasks using email and other forms of communication.


• Low Pay – While many jobs require college degrees, virtual assistants typically only earn minimum wage.

• Long Term Commitment – Most virtual assistants aren’t paid hourly rate. Instead, they receive commissions based upon sales made through their employer. As a result, this type of employment requires long term commitment.

• Limited Career Paths – Because virtual assistants do not hold traditional positions within organizations, there isn’t really a career path available once you leave school.

You may be able to find temporary or part-time work, but it will likely pay less than what you were earning when you first started out.


In conclusion, jobs for teenagers online have a variety of options.

They can tutor high school and college students, play-test new video games, write movie reviews, and more.

Teens should consider their strengths and interests to find the option that’s best for them.

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A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.

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