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Online Tutoring Jobs For Teachers Uk

If you are looking for online tutoring jobs for teachers uk then you are at the right place.

In this article, I am going to tell you about the different types of online tutoring jobs for teacher uk.

If you are a teacher who wants to earn extra income while having flexible hours, then online tutoring jobs for teaching are perfect for you.

There are several online tutoring jobs for students that you can choose from.

These online tutoring jobs for student are usually offered by private companies.

They are also known as virtual tutors.

The most common type of online tutoring job is one-to-one or individual tutoring.

This means that there will be only 1 tutor per client.

The other option available is group tutoring where multiple clients get their online lesson space in groups.

In both cases, your work involves helping people with their studies.

You need to have good communication skills so that you can effectively communicate with your clients.

You should also possess excellent writing skills since it’s important to write down notes during each session.

It helps them remember what was taught.

In addition, you must know how to use various software programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel etc.

So if you want to become an online tutor, make sure you learn these things first before starting out on your career path.

Another thing you should consider when choosing online tutoring jobs for yourself is whether you prefer working alone or with others.

Some people like being around friends all day long whereas some enjoy spending time alone.

Whatever suits you best, just do not forget to take into consideration your personal preferences.

You may even find that you would rather teach children than adults.

There are many advantages to doing this kind of work.

One advantage is that you don’t have to worry about getting sick.

Another reason why you might want to start off teaching kids is that they tend to listen better compared to adult learners.

How much do online tutors make UK?

Online tutoring has become an increasingly popular way to learn new skills and improve ones existing knowledge.

It’s also a great way to earn extra cash while working from home.

But how much do tutors make in the UK? And how much do tutors earn per hour?

Tutors typically charge between £10 -£15 per hour depending on the subject area.

However, there are some exceptions. Some subjects pay more than others.

For example, maths pays higher rates because it requires lots of calculations which takes longer to complete.

On the other hand, languages require less calculation but still demand high levels of attention.

Therefore, language tutors often command higher fees.

If you’re looking at becoming a teacher then you’ll probably want to look at earning potential.

A lot depends on the company offering the position.

Many offer bonuses based on performance.

Others provide free training courses.

And some allow employees to progress within the organisation.

All of these factors contribute towards increasing earnings over time.

As mentioned earlier, tutors generally charge between 10 – 15 pounds per hour.

This means that after one year of full-time employment, you could be making up to £2,500 per month!

That’s pretty impressive considering most teachers only receive around £1,000 per month.

How do I become an online tutor?

To begin with, you will need to register with companies who hire tutors.

Once registered, you will get access to job listings where you can apply for positions.

Lots of companies ask applicants to submit samples of previous assignments completed by students.

They usually expect you to have experience teaching English, Maths, Science, History, Geography etc.

The majority of companies now accept applications via email.

Make sure you follow instructions carefully otherwise you won’t stand any chance of receiving a reply.

After submitting your application, wait patiently until you hear back from the online tutoring company.

Companies normally give candidates two weeks to respond.

Some ideas of companies prefer to interview before hiring someone.

In order to prepare yourself for interviews, read through our guide on preparing for an interview.

When applying for jobs as a private tutor, remember to include information such as:

  • Your terms of qualifications.
  • What type of current student you would like to teach.
  • Whether you are willing to travel to meet clients.
  • You should always try to find out what types of questions prospective employers may ask during an interview.
  • Prepare answers ahead of time so you know exactly what to say when asked.
  • Also, if possible, practice answering those same questions beforehand.

Remember, no matter how good you think you sound, nothing beats real life experience.

So take part in activities outside of class hours to gain practical hands-on experience.

Can a teacher do private tutoring in UK?

Are you looking for a way to earn extra cash?

Are you an experienced tutor who wants to offer your exclusive service to students in the UK?

If yes, then you should consider becoming a private tutor.

Private tutors are usually teachers who want to supplement their income by offering their flexible service to students in the classroom.

They can choose to teach subjects such as English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, etc.

If you are interested in becoming a private tutor, here are some tips that will help you get started.

  • First and foremost, make sure you possess all necessary skills required to work as a private tutor.

You must also ensure that you hold relevant degrees or certificates.

It is important to note that there are many different ways to become qualified as a private tutor.

Some people go straight into university while others decide to pursue further studies at college level.

However, it is best to start off by gaining professional experience first.

This allows you to build confidence and prove your worthiness to potential employers.

  • Second, look for opportunities to network.

It is very common for private tutors to join local associations which connect them with other professionals working in similar fields.

These groups provide members with access to job listings and networking events where they can learn more about careers in education.

  • Thirdly, be prepared to invest money.

The cost of setting up a business varies depending on whether you opt for self employment or employ staff.

In addition, you need to factor in additional costs such as equipment, marketing materials, advertising expenses, etc.

  • Finally, don’t forget to keep track of your progress.

Make regular updates regarding your achievements and successes.

Also, record lessons taught and feedback given to each client.

This helps you improve over time and ensures that you remain competitive against other private tutors.

Are online tutors legit?

Are online tutoring jobs legit or scams? Tutors are everywhere these days. They are popping up on websites and social media popular platforms. Some people even advertise their flexible service on Craigslist.

But are they legitimate?

The answer is simple: Yes! There are several things you can check before hiring someone from abroad.

Here are just a few examples:

1) Check out reviews.

If you see lots of positive testimonials, this means that most clients were satisfied with the service provided.

However, negative comments may indicate that not everyone was happy with the quality of teaching.

You might find yourself wondering why so many people have bad levels of experience when you only had one or two complaints.

This could mean that either the person providing the service has been dishonest or he/she simply isn’t skilled enough to handle difficult cases.

In any case, always read through customer reviews carefully before making a decision.

2) Look for credentials.

The majority of reputable companies offer proof of relevant qualifications.

Make sure that the online tutoring company profiles provides official documents showing that its employees meet certain standards.

These include having a degree or diploma, being registered with a regulatory body, possessing industry-recognized certifications, and holding licenses issued by government agencies.

3) Ask questions.

Before signing anything, ask plenty of questions.

It’s better to know what exactly you’re getting into than finding out later that something wasn’t explained properly.

Also, try asking how long the individual has worked in his field.

A good teacher should have years and levels of experience under her belt.

4) Be wary of hidden fees.

Many unscrupulous individuals will charge extra fees without telling you upfront.

Don’t fall victim to this trick. Instead, make sure that all agreements clearly state everything agreed upon.

5) Avoid fake profiles.

Most scammers use false identities to lure unsuspecting choice for students. So, it pays off to do some research first.

Find out who the owner of the profile really is. Then, look at photos posted on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and elsewhere.

Do they match the description written on the website? Are they real pictures or stock images? Does the name sound familiar? All of these factors point towards authenticity.

6) Beware of “free” trials.

When you sign up for free trial person sessions, be careful about agreeing to pay more sort of money after your initial tutoring session.

Scam artists often set up bogus accounts where they pretend to provide great services but then demand payment once the conversation student actually starts working with them.

7) Never send personal information.

Even though you don’t want to give away too much info, avoid sharing sensitive details such as bank account numbers, Social Security number, passport numbers, etc.

8 ) Always get references.

Asking friends and family members whether they’ve heard of a particular tutor is a smart move.

If someone recommends an instructor, chances are she’ll be reliable.

But if no one mentions him, there’s probably reason to worry.

9) Check online ratings.

Online choice of tutoring platform like Yelp can help you determine which tutors are popular among their customers.

They also allow you to see what other users think about each provider.

10) Consider distance learning options.

Some schools offer virtual classes taught via video chat software.

Others let teachers work from home while still meeting face-to-face with students. Both types of programs save time and decent money.

Plus, they eliminate travel expenses.

The Top 10 Online Tutoring Platforms in the UK

Tutors are an integral part of education. They provide students with extra support and guidance during their studies.

However, tutoring services are often expensive and inaccessible to those who cannot afford them.

With the rise of online tuition platforms, students now have access to affordable and convenient tutoring services.

These largest tutor platforms allow opportunities for students to connect with tutors and receive personalized feedback on their assignments.

Each platform has its own unique features and additional benefit.

Some even include additional perks for potential students. Let’s take a closer look:

1. MyHomework Help

My Homework Helper offers high quality homework assistance to option for students around the world.

The company provides live tutoring through Skype and email.

Students can choose between paid and unpaid plans depending on how many hours per week they need help.

2. StudyBlue

Study Blue is another reputable service offering both paid and unpaid tutoring opportunities.

It allows students to communicate directly with qualified instructors using messaging tools.

This makes communication easier than ever before.

3. Wyzant

 Wyzant is a leading website that connects students with private tutors.

Its main feature is the ability to search by subject or location.

You can find local tutors based on your needs.

4. TutorMe

This site was created specifically for people looking for academic advice.

Users can post questions related to any topic and receive answers from interactive experience professionals.

5. Chegg

Chegg is known for providing free study guides and flashcards.

But it recently added a new section called “Live Learning” where students can interact with real professors.

6. Livemocha

This flexible platform focuses mainly on language lessons courses but includes some math and science topics.

Livemocha uses a system similar to Google Docs so students can collaborate easily.

7. Udemy

Udemy is a well-known educational marketplace that lets anyone create course materials. Instructors upload lessons and assign tasks to students.

Then, students pay according to the number of completed tasks.

8. Varsity Tutors

Varsity Tutors specializes in helping university students prepare for exams.

It offers several different packages including one-on-one tutoring sessions as well as group discussions.

9. Tutor Doctor

Tutor doctor helps variety of students improve their grades by connecting them with professional tutors.

Each tutor receives payment only when he/she successfully completes assigned tasks.

10. Tutor Pace

Tutor pace is designed especially for adults seeking personalised English quality of tuition students.

It gives playback by students the opportunity to learn at their own speed.

How To Find A Good Tutor?

Finding a good teacher isn’t easy. There are plenty of bad teachers out there who don’t care about you.

So what should you do if you want to make sure you get an excellent education?

Here’s my list of tips for finding a great tutor:

Tip 1 – Ask friends and family

If you know someone who had a really good personal experience with a particular tutor, ask him/her for recommendations.

If not, try asking other parents whose children go to school near yours. They might be able to recommend a few tutors.

Tip 2 – Check reviews

Reviews posted by previous clients can give you valuable insight into which tutors provide satisfactory results.

Look up testimonials online and read through them carefully.

Also check whether the tutor has been rated highly enough to have his/her profile displayed prominently on websites like

Tip 3 – Do research

Before choosing a specific tutor, look around online to see what others think about him/her.

Read student feedback left by past customers.

And also take note of the pricing to qualifications listed on the tutor’s curriculum vitae.

These will tell you something about the kind of teaching style this person prefers.

Tip 4 – Consider distance learning options

Some schools offer virtual classes taught over video chat software such as Skype

. This way, both parties can communicate without having to meet face to face.

You may even find yourself chatting with your instructor while watching TV or doing homework!

Tip 5 – Don’t choose just because they’re cheap

It doesn’t matter how much parents for money you save by hiring a less expensive tutor than those recommended by your high school principal.

What matters most is that you end up getting the best possible education.

That means paying attention to things like quality of instruction, level of expertise, availability, etc.


If you want to earn extra income while teaching, then online tutoring jobs might be the perfect solution for you.

Online tutoring jobs are becoming increasingly popular among both students and parents who want their children to learn at home.

There are many different types of online tutoring jobs available today.

Some require no special skills whatsoever, while some demand advanced knowledge in certain subjects.

The choice is entirely up to you.

However, before signing up for any job, it’s important to understand exactly what these positions entail.

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A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.

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