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What is online tutoring? Here’s Our Answer!

Definition of Online Tutoring

Online tutoring is an amazing way to learn at your own pace and at your convenience. It’s also a great way to supplement your current education or learn new skills.

Online tutoring is a new concept, and it’s quickly growing in popularity. 

This allows teachers and instructors to provide individualised instruction to students, as the students access the tutor’s virtual classroom from home, on their own time.

This can save teachers valuable time by reducing the number of students they have to teach and save students valuable money by reducing the tuition they have to pay for a tutor.

Online tutoring has become a key part of the education process, especially for students who have trouble in school.

Online tutoring has become a popular option for students who want to improve their grades without having to leave their home.

It’s also becoming an increasingly popular choice for parents looking for extra help with their kids.

But what exactly is online tutoring? And why should you care if you’ve never tried it before?

In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of online tutoring and how it could benefit you too.

How does Online tutoring Work?

Online tutoring is a form of education that allows people to learn from professionals using the internet.

Online tutoring can be used for almost any core subjects such as math, science, economics, literature, English, and more.

Online tutoring is a great way to learn and succeed even when you cannot attend classes at your local school.

In order to get help through online tutoring, a person must first find an online tutor team who will work with them.

Online tutoring is a fast-growing industry that provides tutors for students in classrooms, homes, or other places that offer computer connectivity.

The most common types of online tutoring include:

  • Virtual Classes

These are mostly text based lessons where both choice for student and teacher communicate via email.

The main advantage here is that there is no need for physical interaction between them, which makes it easier for busy students to take part.

  • Video Conferences

In these cases, two parties meet over video chat software like Skype, Google Hangouts or Zoom.

This means the sessions are live and interactive, so they’re much better suited to face-to-face teaching than written correspondence.

  • Live Chat Sessions

Another type of session where one party meets another virtually. You may use exclusive service such as GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, or WebEx to connect with others during a conference call.

  • Phone Calls

If you’d rather do things the old fashioned way, then you can hire a private tutor to talk with you on the phone. This approach works best for those living far away.

What materials needed for online tutoring?

  • Internet connection

The most important thing required to learn with online tutoring platforms is a strong internet connection.

This may seem like common sense, but many families don’t realise just how expensive high speed internet services can be.

For example, family plans typically cost $80-$120 per month, which includes all data usage.

If a potential students want to use online tutoring programs, then they would need unlimited bandwidth so that there will always be enough room available for the program to upload files and download information during online lesson space.

  • Webcam or Camera

Another requirement is a good quality webcam/camera. Most computers come equipped with one built-in camera, although some laptops now include two cameras instead of only one.

Cameras vary depending on which model you choose, however, and higher end models produce better results.

  • Digital video recorder

A digital video recorder is another useful tool that most modern computers come equipped with. A DVR records videos onto hard drives allowing users to watch previously recorded footage later on. Some advanced features allow viewers to rewind and pause live broadcasts while watching recordings.

  • Computer

Most programs that provide online tutoring require access to a laptop or desktop computer. These machines usually run Windows operating systems and have internet connectivity.

  • Headset or Microphone

To communicate with the online tutoring sites via audio chat software, a headset or microphone is necessary.

Headphones or microphone are both acceptable options, although headsets are often easier to connect and operate than microphones.

Benefits of Online Tutoring to Students

Online tutoring experience has been around for a few years now, and it’s been a popular way to teach people from all over the world. But how effective are online tutoring sessions?

Check these advantages of tutoring that listed below:

1) Accessibility5

Your child doesn’t need to be enrolled in any class to take advantage of online tutoring. This means that no matter where your family lives or works, there are plenty of options available.

You don’t even need to know someone personally to get started – all you need is an internet connection!

That said, though, you need to make sure you’re working with reputable providers that offer quality support to their clients.

2) Flexible scheduling

If you work full time but still struggle to keep up with book lessons due to other commitments, then online tutoring might just be right for you.

Many companies allow unlimited sessions per week, so you won’t ever run out of time. Plus, since everything happens over the web, you won’t miss anything else while you’re busy with alternative learning.

3) Cost savings

While some schools may charge high fees for private tutors, others will happily let you use their flexible service free of cost.

There really isn’t much difference between paying for classes through a teacher versus hiring one privately.

The only real exception here would be if you were required to attend certain mandatory meetings during regular hours.

But when you consider the fact that many people already spend hundreds of dollars each month on fast food meals alone, it seems like spending a bit more on something better suited to your needs makes sense.

4) Self-paced

You decide which topics you’d like to study and when you’d like to study them. Whether you’d prefer to study now, midweek, or after work, you pick the best times for you.

Even if you choose to study every day, you can break down the lesson into smaller chunks whenever necessary.

If you feel overwhelmed, you don’t have to worry about missing important details because you can always come back later.

5) Personalisation

You’re not limited to one instructor either – instead, you can interact directly with multiple experts depending on your academic level of knowledge.

For example, you might ask questions of different specialists until you feel comfortable enough with the dreaded subject’s knowledge to move onto another area.

Some programs even give you access to video tutorials so you can watch expert demonstrations of specific exam technique.

However, these videos aren’t meant to replace actual hands-on training; rather, they serve as supplementary materials designed to enhance your understanding of difficult concepts.

6) Individual attention

Unlike most traditional classrooms, online tutoring offers exceptional service tailored to meet your unique needs.

Instead of being forced to sit next to classmates whose interest current level varies widely, your given the opportunity to focus on whatever material interests you most.

In addition, previous students who struggle often benefit greatly from having an individualised plan laid out before them, especially with helping them understand how what they’ve been taught relates to future assignments.

7) Convenience

Online learning platform allows parents and teachers alike to stay connected wherever possible.

Since you’re able to log in from anywhere with a reliable internet connection, you can continue online teaching your children throughout the entire year regardless of whether they’re home sick or travelling abroad.

8) Accessible resources

Since you can teach at any hour of the day or night, you never have to wait for someone else to finish working before taking advantage of new learning style opportunities.

As long as you’re prepared ahead of time, you can view books, articles, lectures, presentations, etc., anytime you want without needing to leave the comfort of your own living room!

9) Interaction

There’s nothing quite like sitting face-to-face with a fellow student while discussing difficult problems together.

While this type of interaction doesn’t happen very frequently, current student develop strong bonds over time thanks to the proximity.

It’s easy to become friends with folks across the globe, too, allowing you to form lifelong friendships based solely on common educational goals.

10) Flexibility

Most online tutors offer flexible scheduling options that allow you to fit online lessons around your busy life.

Rather than getting stuck behind a desk all day, you’ll be free to take breaks whenever needed, complete jobs during non-study periods, and travel between sessions as desired.

Benefits of Online Tutoring to Teachers

If you work full time yourself but still need to devote some portion of your time towards educating others, online tutoring could prove beneficial by giving you more control over your schedule.

You no longer have to spend hours commuting every morning just to get into school, nor do you have to waste valuable online classes period time waiting for group projects or exams to conclude.

By setting up lesson plans well in advance, you won’t run short of things to cover each week, which will help ensure that everyone has sufficient practice time available to improve their score.

Furthermore, since you don’t need to worry about finding extra space for storage or arranging transportation to various locations, you’ll save money and precious holiday days.

Who can be an online teacher?

You can become a perfect tutor by simply having a strong passion for the subject you’re tutoring in, and a deep understanding of it.

Anyone, i.e. ideal teacher, expert tutors, professors, trainers, instructors, coaches, lecturers, etc., in any academic field, who is: 

  • Dedicated to teaching and mentoring.
  • Online at a specific time and date in a web conference.
  • Able to communicate in a way that the student can easily understand.
  • Able to create a classroom and scheduled private lessons in a comfortable and convenient time.
  • You can be a teacher if you are at least 16 years of age, have a high school diploma or a GED and have a computer and Internet access.
  • You must be able to work independently and be available for at least four hours per day, five days a week.

Why online tutoring is important?

Just because online tutoring isn’t always practical doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of reasons it should be considered as part of your child’s educational routine.

  • It helps to learn better

The biggest reason why we think online tutoring is so great is due to its ability to enhance our children’s overall academic performance.

When you provide personalised instruction using online tutoring software, you give your students access to proven methods of studying that are specifically designed to maximise retention rates.

  • It saves us time

Online tutoring allows teachers to focus on providing quality education rather than spending countless hours running after parents and other educators who demand updates regarding their kid’s progress.

  • We use existing technology

This means that your kids can take part in online tutoring even if they live far away from where you live.

  • It keeps them safe

No one wants their children exposed to dangerous situations such as traffic accidents that may occur when driving back and forth from school every day, or falling victim to cyberbullying once they return home from dedicated classes.

Final Words

It is clear why online tutoring is a great option for students. Online tutoring is a terrific way for conversation students who are struggling to get ahead.

It’s a low-cost solution for students who find it difficult to fit tutoring into a busy schedule.

It’s a flexible way for students to learn from home, the office, a library, or anywhere that has a computer or mobile device.

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A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.