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What Should A 3 Year Old Know Educationally?

Do you want to know what a 3 year old should know educationally? Well, I am here to tell you that there is a lot that they should learn at this age.

A 3 year old should know that their name is their name. They should know that they should say please and thank you. They should also know that they should not hit other children.

I hope these few pieces of information serve as helpful guidelines for parents who are wondering where to start educating their little ones.

A child this age should be able to recognize their name, count from 1 to 10, tell time, and count money. They also need to learn how to read and write.

Teaching them to read their favorite books and storytelling activities will help in the process. You can even use your own voice when reading stories aloud so that it becomes more interesting for them.

You may have noticed that some kids love listening to music while others prefer playing with toys or watching cartoons on TV.

This is because each kid has different interests. It’s important to find out which one works best for him/her.

If he likes to play outside then let him do whatever he wants. But if you let your child play outside make it sure that outdoor time has some limitations such as no running around, no climbing trees, etc.

It would be better if you could limit his screen-time too. This way, both of you can enjoy spending quality time together without worrying about anything else.

As far as teaching your child to read goes, don’t worry! There are many ways to teach your child to read.

One thing you can try is by using flashcards. These cards contain pictures and words printed side by side.

Things that you can teach your 3 year old

A 3-year-old child are always curious about everything new. So, it’s very easy to get them interested in learning something new.

As a parents , we must understand our child’s curiosity level before deciding whether to introduce any subject into their life.

For example, if your son loves cars, then why not take him to an auto showroom once every week? Or maybe you can buy him a toy car and give him free rein over it.

But if your daughter doesn’t like dolls, then she might not appreciate being given a doll house. Instead, you can just keep her busy doing things that interest her instead.

Learning opportunity for a 3-year-old child are endless. As long as you provide opportunities for them to explore and discover, they’ll never stop learning.

Here are some things that you can teach your three years old:

Activity for children

1. How to say “Thank You” – When someone does something nice or helpful for you, say thank you with a simple sentence like: Thank you! I love it when people help me.

Or, If the person did not do anything special for you, just simply say thanks and smile. This is an easy way of showing appreciation and gratitude.

2. What do these words mean? – Ask them what these words mean by saying each word out loud slowly. For instance, ask them what “love” means.

Then explain to them that there are lots of other words that share similar meanings but those two words stand alone.

3. Counting numbers up to ten – Start counting at zero and go all the way up to ten. Show them the number 0 first and then move onto the next higher number.

Explain to them that the number 9 is between 8 and 10.

4. Do some educational activities – Play games where they need to match colors, shapes, letters, animals, fruits, vegetables, vehicles, furniture, clothing items, food items, etc.

5. Learn how to spell – Teach them how to write their name correctly. They can also learn how to count from 1 to 20.

6. Make friends – Let them meet new friends through school programs, sports teams, church groups, neighborhood associations, scouts, etc.

Social activities are important for kids because it helps them develop social skills. It will also allow them to interact with others more easily.

7. Physical activity – This ideal activity are physical exercises such as running, jumping rope, skipping, dancing, playing tag, riding bikes, swimming, climbing trees, swinging on swings, etc.

8. Reading books – Read stories aloud to them so that they can hear the story themselves. Encourage them to listen carefully while reading along.

9. Sing songs – Help them sing nursery rhymes and popular songs. This exciting activity can be done together during family gatherings.

10. Learning about nature – Take them outside to see plants, flowers, birds, insects, rocks, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, etc.

11. Cooking – Have fun cooking different kinds of foods together. The best part is that this activity teaches them responsibility too.

12. Artistic expression – Give them paints, crayons, markers, pencils, paper, clay, sand, wood blocks, string, feathers. This activity ideas are limitless.

Art skill can be taught in many ways.

Some examples include drawing pictures, coloring pages, painting, sculpturing, making crafts, creating collages, designing clothes, decorating cakes, baking cookies, sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, jewelry making, pottery, scrapbooking, photography, digital art, etc.

13. Teach them communication skills and language skills – This type of teaching can be done in many ways.

One example would be having conversations with them using sign language. Another one would be asking questions and listening to their answers.

14. Music lessons – There are various types of music classes available today.

Some examples include piano, violin, guitar, drums, flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, singing, dance, drumming, percussion instruments, etc.

15. Science experiments – Kids enjoy doing science experiments. This can help them develop educational skills and creativity.

16. Teach them alphabet songs – Alphabets songs can be sung by parents or children. These songs teach them letter sounds and phonics.

17. Teach them color names and correct colors – Color naming is an easy way to introduce colors into your child’s life.

18. Teach them some basic shapes and geometric shapes – This can help your child understand geometry better. 

19. Teach them phonics skills – This can improve their ability to read words accurately.

20. Teach them mathematical skills – For a 3-year-old child Maths skills are very simple. Teaching them to develop there Mathematical skills can make learning easier later on.

21. Sorting and comparing –  This structured activities can help your picky toddler sort objects and separate objects.

Association between objects can also be made through sorting and comparison.

Common objects can be sorted according to size, shape, material, texture, weight, color, smell, sound, taste, temperature, etc.

22. Learn how to count money – Counting coins and bills helps kids learn numbers. It will also give them practice for counting at school.

23. Letter matching – This activity can help toddlers recognize letters and match the corresponding letters. Such as:

  • Puzzles with letters
  • lowercase letters
  • Upper-case letters

 24. Speed sentences – This activity can help your toddler build vocabulary and increase his/her reading speed.

25. Building blocks – This activity can help young children develop fine motor skills.

They can use these building blocks to create structures such as towers, houses, cars, animals, airplanes, boats, rockets, bridges, etc.

What should my 3 year old be learning in preschool?

Preschool is the period between birth and school age. In this stage children learn about themselves, their family, friends, community, and society.

They also develop social skills that will help them succeed in later life.

Preschoolers is the time when they start developing academic skills like writing, math, spelling, grammar, and other subjects.

This is because most schools require students to have mastered certain subject areas before entering kindergarten.

In addition, it’s important for children to master early literacy skills so they can become successful readers.

The following list shows what you need to do to prepare your three year old for preschool.

  • Make sure he has good health habits. Make sure he eats healthy foods and gets enough sleep every night.
  • Teach him to brush teeth twice daily using fluoride toothpaste. Encourage him to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Give him nutritious snacks during the day. Avoid giving too many sweets.
  • Encourage him to play outside regularly. Play games together with him.
  • Help him get ready for bedtime. Give him lots of hugs and kisses.
  • Keep track of any changes in his behavior.
  • Reading skills and numeracy skills are two essential components of pre-school preparation.

What to expect in the early years in preschool program?

In the early years, children learn through play. They are curious about their environment and want to explore everything around them.

They also develop language skills and social relationships with their peers.

Children who attend preschool programs tend to perform better academically than those who don’t go to preschool.

It’s recommended that all children receive some form of formal schooling from ages 4–6.

However, there isn’t much evidence showing whether or not preschool improves cognitive development.

There may be benefits if your child attends preschool full-time but more research needs to be done on this topic.

How does preschool work?

Most preschool programs follow an educational curriculum called “the core curriculum.” The core curriculum includes four main topics:

  • Language arts
  • Math
  • Science
  • Social studies

These topics cover basic concepts including colors, shapes, sizes, opposites, patterns, seasons, weather, space, people, places, food, clothing, transportation, holidays, and history.

Some preschool teachers teach only one area while others teach several different ones.

Many preschools offer aftercare services where parents can drop off their kids at the end of the day.

The concepts in school are taught by both adults and children. Children use toys as tools to practice these concepts.

For example, they might put blocks into containers to make sense of size. Or they could count how many cars fit inside a box.

When teaching science, children often experiment with materials such as sand, clay, paint, glue, paper, scissors, crayons, etc.

At home, parents can encourage their children to try new things.

How to choose a primary school?

Choosing a primary school can be difficult because there is no single best choice. It depends on factors like location, cost, availability of childcare, distance between homes, and other family considerations.

If possible, visit schools before making a decision. Ask questions about the school’s policies and procedures. Find out which subjects will be offered and when.

Ask about extracurricular activities available. You’ll find information online or ask the principal directly.

You can also check out local newspapers and magazines. There also online and virtual classes you can take to help prepare yourself for kindergarten.

Parental tips for taking care a 3 year-old child

Being a parents means being responsible for raising our children. We need to provide them with love, affection, guidance, discipline, structure, and most importantly, safety.

We must ensure that we give them enough time to rest and sleep so that they have energy to do well during the day.

As parents, it’s important to set good examples for our children. This way, they won’t feel ashamed to speak up whenever something bothers them.

Parents should always listen carefully to what their children say. The safety of our children’s lives and property comes first.

Children learn through play. They don’t just sit still and watch us doing everything around them.

So let them explore and discover the world around them. Let them experience life!

Letting go of control doesn’t mean giving up responsibility. Parents should guide their children without forcing them to do anything.

They should never force themselves to eat certain foods or wear clothes that they dislike. Instead, they should allow their children to decide for themselves.

Preschoolers now a days are very smart. They understand more than what we think.

If we want them to grow healthy and strong mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually, then we need to nurture them properly.

It takes patience and understanding from all sides – parent, teacher, friends, relatives, neighbors, community members, and even strangers.

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A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.