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Online Tutoring Jobs For 16-Year-Olds

Are you looking for an online tutoring job?

If yes, then you should definitely check out this article.

It contains information about online tutoring jobs for 16-year-olds.

If you want to earn extra money while studying, then you should consider becoming an online tutor.

You can do it from the comfort of your home and make a lot more than what you would get as a teacher in school.

In fact, some people even become very successful at making good money by teaching others how to learn new things or improve their interpersonal skills.

So if you are interested in learning something new, then why not try being an online tutor?

Here is everything that you need to know before starting your own online tutoring business:

1) What Is An Online Tutor Business?

An online tutoring business is basically where someone teaches other students through video chat on the internet.

The student usually has a problem with his/her studies and needs help solving it.

This person will be paid per lesson he/she gives.

2) How To Start Your Own Online Tutoring Business?

To start your own online tutoring company, all you have to do is register yourself with one of these websites which offer free registration services.

After registering, you must create a profile on tutoring sites so that potential basis in clients can find you easily.

Then you must upload videos showing your expertise in whatever range of subject you teach.

3) The Advantages Of Being A Tutor On These Websites

There are many advantages of working as an online reputable tutor.

One advantage is that you don’t have to go anywhere else but just sit back and relax when you work as an online private home tutor.

You also save time because there is no commute involved.

Another benefit is that you can choose any topic that interests you.

This means that you won’t feel bored doing anything.

4) Disadvantages Of Working As An Online Tutor

However, there are disadvantages too.

One disadvantage is that you might end up spending most of your day watching tutorials instead of actually helping students solve problems.

Also, since you are only earning money after every tutorial session, you may lose interest quickly.

Where can I find online tutoring jobs?

There are plenty of websites where you can advertise your tutoring services.

Some sites even offer free advertising. The key is finding a site that’s relevant to your target audience.

Here are some places to start looking for online tutoring jobs:

• Facebook groups – You can join several different Facebook groups dedicated to prospective tutors who provide lessons via webcam.

• YouTube channels – There are tons of educational content creators on YouTube.

If you’re able to record a few short videos explaining various topics, you could potentially charge $10-$20 each.

• Forums – Many forums allow users to post questions and receive answers from experts.

This is a great way to build credibility among prospective customers.

Misconception about tutoring

Tutoring is an excellent way to earn extra income.

It’s also a great way to learn new list of skills and improve your strong knowledge.

However, there are misconception about tutoring that can prevent people from taking advantage of this perfect opportunity.

If you’re considering becoming a tutor, here are 5 common misconceptions about tutoring that you should know about before you start.

1. Tutors are only for kids

While tutoring is often used to teach children, it can also be used to teach adults.

Many parents hire private tutoring agencies to help their child with homework.

Some students even use tutors to help them study for tests for universities.

2. You’ll never make enough money

Many people think they cannot make much money private tutoring jobs because they believe that experience tutoring requires lots of patience and dedication.

However, this isn’t true. In reality, fantastic tutor who charge £15-£20 per couple of hour can make over £100 each week.

This amount varies depending on the type of lessons offered.

3. It takes years to build a reputation

Some people assume that tutoring is difficult to begin unless you’ve been practicing for several years.

While it does take practice to become proficient in certain areas, anyone can fit for tutoring within weeks.

All you really need is a computer and webcam.

4. Students always pay upfront

Most independent tutors require payment upfront. If you want to get started right away, then you’ll probably need to ask family members or friends if they would like some tuition centres first.

Once you receive payments, you can deposit them into your bank account.

5. There aren’t enough jobs available

People sometimes worry that there aren’t enough jobs available for tutors. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

With more than 1 million tutors currently registered worldwide, there are plenty of opportunities out there.

In fact, one survey found that almost half of all tutors surveyed said that they had received at least 10 requests for private tutor sessions in the last year alone!

Tips And Tricks That Will Help You Succeed In Online Tutoring

Before getting started, here are some tips and tricks that will help you succeed in online tutoring:

• Be patient – It takes time to gain trust and establish relationships with your first set of students.

So if you want to make this into a full-time job, then you should expect to put in at least 6 months or more of hard work before seeing results.

• Have fun – Don’t get discouraged by rejection emails. Remember that not everyone wants to hire you. But once they see how helpful you are, they’ll come running.

• Offer discounts – Many companies offer special deals to attract customers.

This includes free trial classes, discounted rates, etc.

Make sure to mention these offers when contacting potential private client.

• Keep up with technology – As an online tutor, you must keep yourself updated with current trends so that you don’t fall behind.

• Use social media – Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have made it easier than ever for businesses to connect with consumers.

By using these platforms, you can easily reach thousands of prospective students.

• Get creative – When creating marketing materials, try to include images that show off what makes you unique.

Also, consider offering additional services beyond just teaching.

These could range from writing assignments to helping students prepare for requisite exams.

• Create a website – A good way to promote yourself is through a professional looking website.

However, remember that most websites cost money.

Therefore, you may want to create a simple site that only contains information about your background and teaching qualification.

• Networking events – One great way to meet new contacts is through local networking groups.

They’re usually held monthly where attendees share their experiences and discuss tutor topic related to business development.

• Join forums – Forums allow users to post questions and seek answers from other experts.

Joining these types of communities allows you to learn valuable skill requirement while also building connections with others.

• Write articles – If you know someone who writes well, ask them to write something on your behalf.

The article doesn’t need to be long; even short blog posts can go viral.

Just make sure that the content is interesting and relevant.

• Blogging – Another effective method of promoting yourself is through blogging.

Not only does it provide another platform for sharing advanced knowledge, but it’s also a great opportunity to build links back to your own website.

• Give presentations – Presentations give you the chance to teach people directly without having to rely on written material.

Plus, many presenters find that giving talks helps them develop confidence and improve communication skills. 

• Attend conferences – Conferences are often used to network with professionals within your industry. You might also run across opportunities there.

• Ask friends & family – Finally, if all else fails, ask those closest to you for help.

Most likely, they will be willing to recommend you to their colleagues.

Can anyone become a tutor?

Yes! Anyone can become a tutor.

In fact, tutors come in all shapes and sizes.

Some work full time at schools or universities while others choose to freelance out of their homes.

Regardless of how much experience you currently have, becoming a tutor is easy.

All you need is some basic training and then get started.

Here are three steps to take:

Step 1 – Finding a School/University

There are two ways to start finding a job as a tutor.

You can either look online or attend an open house event.

If you decide to do the latter, here are five tips to keep in mind when attending one:

• Dress appropriately – Make sure you dress professionally so that you don’t scare away potential employers.

This means wearing clothes that match your current position (i.e., suit for a


It also means dressing conservatively. Avoid revealing clothing like low cut tops and shorts.

• Be friendly – Smile and greet everyone you encounter. This shows that you care about what they think and makes you more approachable.

• Introduce yourself – When meeting new people, introduce yourself by saying “Hi I’m. Nice to meet you.”

Don’t forget to include your contact details such as phone number and email address.

• Show enthusiasm – Don’t just sit around waiting for things to happen. Instead, show interest in everything going on.

Ask lots of questions and try to engage in conversations.

Finally, remember not to talk too loudly because this may distract students.

Instead, speak softly and slowly.

Step 2 – Registering With The Institution

Once you’ve found a school/university, register with it using its official registration form.

The process usually takes less than 10 minutes.

However, make sure you read over any information provided before submitting it.

Also note that most institutions require you to pay fees upfront.

These vary depending on the type of course you’re teaching.

For example, private courses typically cost between £40-£70 per lesson whereas public courses charge up to £150 per hour session.

Remember to factor these costs into your budget.

Step 3 – Starting Work As A Tutor

Now that you know where to find jobs as a tutor, let’s discuss how to actually begin working.

  • First off, you’ll want to create a profile details on sites like TESOL Exchange, iTutorGroup, Varsity Tutors, etc.

When creating your personal details, make sure you fill out every field available including your name, age, location, formal teaching qualification, specializations, areas of expertise, etc.

  • Next, upload relevant samples of your excellent communication skills along with links to your portfolio if applicable.

In addition, be prepared to answer interview questions regarding your background and experiences.

  • Lastly, always follow through with your application. If you fail to submit them within 24 hours, chances are you won’t hear back from the employer.

That being said, once you receive an offer letter, there will likely be additional requirements which you must fulfill prior to starting work.

Some examples include passing exam board, completing assignments, and providing references.

As mentioned earlier, some schools even ask tutors to provide their own accommodation.

So make sure you have enough money saved up to cover living expenses while you teach abroad.

Otherwise, you could end up paying thousands of pounds extra!

Is it possible for me to get taxed?

Tutoring is a great way to earn extra income. However, there are certain taxes that you need to pay if you want to be a tutor. 

There are two types of taxes that you need to consider when you start personal tutoring jobs.

These are called “self employment” and “employer’s contribution”. Let me explain both of them.

Self Employment Tax

This is one of the biggest taxes that you need to take care of.

You can deduct all the business expenses such as rent, utilities, internet charges, phone bills, etc., from your taxable average income.

But remember that only those expenses that were incurred during the year 2016 or 2017 can be deducted.

So don’t forget to keep track of all your expenses so that they can be used later.

Employers Contribution

This is another important tax that needs to be paid by employers.

The amount depends upon the number of employees employed by the professional tutoring company.

There are different rates depending on whether it is a sole proprietorship or partnership tutoring firm.

Here are the percentages of the total salary that needs to be contributed towards social security and medicare.

Sole Proprietorship Firm – 10% SS + 1/2 % Medicare

Partnership Firm – 15% SS + 2/3 % Medicare

If you hire more than 20 people, you also need to contribute 7.5% toward unemployment insurance.

This means that you will get less money per employee but at least you will not lose any money.

Furthermore, this is something that cannot be avoided in most cases.


Working as an online tutor is great way to earn extra income without having to leave your house.

However, it requires patience and dedication. So if you think that you have both those qualities, then you should give it a shot!

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A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.

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