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How To Teach Music Online?

What Is The Best Way Of Teaching Music Online?

Music has been around since the beginning of mankind. It has always been an integral part of human culture.

From ancient times to modern-day, music has played a significant role in people’s lives.

Music is an art and it is also a science. Learning classical music will require both.

Today, there are millions of people who love music and want to learn how to play instruments.

There is a lot of music online. There is, however, a lot of noise and not a lot of signal.

However, there is no one best way of teaching music online.

You can choose from many different options depending on your preferences. Some ways include:

– YouTube videos

– Podcasts

– Websites

– Blogs

All methods will teach you music and each method has its strengths and weaknesses.

The best way of teaching music online depends on what you’re looking for.

How Can I Start A Website For My Students?

You don’t need any special skills or knowledge to create a website for students. All that you will require is some basic computer skills. If you have these skills, it shouldn’t be difficult at all.

You could use free websites such as WordPress, Wix, Weebly etc. These sites allow users to easily set up their own personal blogs with ease.

They even provide templates which make creating a blog very easy.

Should I Use Video Or Audio Tutorials In Order To Learn Piano?

It depends entirely upon what type of classical piano lessons you wish to offer.

There are two main types of tutorials available – audio and video. Both work well but each offers its advantages and disadvantages.

Audio file tutorial works great if you only plan to teach beginners because they are easier to understand than video tutorials.

On the other hand, video chat tool tutorials are better suited for advanced learners.

This is because they give more detailed explanations about certain concepts.

What is the best online music teaching platform?

Music lessons are an excellent way to learn new skills and improve your musical abilities.

However, finding the right step guide for music teachers can be tricky.

There are many different platforms out there that offer instrumental music lessons online.

Some are free while others charge a fee.

Here are three of the most popular ones:

1) Udemy

Udemy was founded by Sebastian Thrun. He wanted to help people get jobs through education.

He started his company after he realized that learning wasn’t just something that happened when school ended. People needed to continue studying throughout life.

So, he created Udemy.

2) Lynda

Lynda is another site that teaches courses online. They cover everything from web design to programming languages like Python.

Their mission statement says “We believe everyone deserves access to high-quality training content regardless of age, gender, race, income level, location, or prior experience.”

3) Skillshare

Skillshare is similar to Udemy. However, instead of offering advanced classes, they focus on sharing creative projects.

For example, you might find yourself making a short film using Adobe After Effects.

You would then share it with friends and family.

These are just 3 examples of how you can benefit from taking online music lessons.

There are plenty of other places to look too!

Which One Should I Choose?

That’s really hard to say. It depends on what kind of student you are.

For instance, if you’re looking for beginner electric guitar lessons, Udemy may not be the best and ideal choice.

But if you already play basic guitar types, Udemy probably has lots of resources for you.

The same goes for piano lessons.

In general, though, I’d recommend starting off with Udemy. This is because it gives you full control over your course.

After that, you can move onto one of the other options depending on whether you prefer videos or sound settings.

You also need to consider which country you live in. Some countries have restrictions on their sites.

And some don’t allow teachers outside of their own country to use their services. So make sure you do your research before signing up.

Is Skype or Zoom better for online music lessons?

Skype is used all around the world. But it doesn’t always provide good quality sound.

Zoom is much newer but it does offer higher sound quality.

Both programs will let you connect with advanced students who aren’t physically near you.

They both cost $5 per month so you’ll want to weigh those costs against the benefits.

If you decide to go with either program, keep in mind that you won’t hear any background noise.

It sounds like someone else is talking directly into your ear. That means you won’t know if anyone is playing along with you.

Also, since these programs record every word spoken, you should avoid saying anything embarrassing.

This includes swearing, sexual references, etc. You never know where this information could end up.

Finally, remember that even though you can see each other, you still need to practice eye contact.

Otherwise, you risk sounding awkward during your lesson.

How To Set Up Zoom For Online Music Lessons?

Zoom has become an essential tool for online learning platform. It allows activities for students to connect with their teachers and classmates from anywhere in the world.

However, default setting up zoom isn’t difficult at all.

  • First, open up the app on your computer. Then click “join room.”
  • Next, enter the name of the class. Finally, choose an image for your profile picture.
  • Now, whenever people join your session, they’ll automatically appear as avatars next to your username.
  • To start teaching, simply press the green arrow button.
  • Then, select the notes you want them to learn.
  • And finally, hit the red square icon.

From there, you can watch as your coaching to students take turns practicing.

As long as you’ve set things up correctly, you shouldn’t run into many problems.

However, sometimes you may encounter issues when trying to teach more than 1 person simultaneously.

How do you teach a song through zoom?

When using zoom, you only get access to the first few measures of the song.

So instead of showing everyone how to play the whole thing, you’ll just show them what’s coming up.

That way, they can focus on getting familiar with the new material while you work on helping them master the rest of the song.

Of course, you can skip ahead to whatever part you feel comfortable sharing.

Or you can stop after the first measure. In fact, most instructors usually stick to the intro until they reach the chorus.

Once you’ve reached the chorus, you might find yourself having trouble keeping track of time. You’d be surprised by how quickly time flies once you’re singing!

But luckily, you have several options available to help you stay organized.

The easiest option would be to turn off the clock altogether.

Another alternative would be to change the color scheme of the screen.

For example, you could switch everything except the lyrics black & white. Or maybe add a different font style.

A third option would be to create a playlist of songs that are similar to the one being taught.

By doing this, you can easily jump back and forth between sections without losing your place.

In addition, you can also share links to YouTube comprehensive video tutorials related to the topic. This makes it easy for your students to check out additional resources.

You can use any combination of these methods to keep yourself organized.

Just make sure not to overwhelm your assignments for students too much. Otherwise, they won’t enjoy themselves very much.

How do you make music lessons fun?

Music is supposed to be enjoyable. That’s why we spend so much money on instruments and equipment.

We don’t buy those items because we think they will improve our skills. We buy them because we love basic playing techniques around with them.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or advanced player. If you truly love making music, then you should never let anything stand in your way.

If you really want to make music mark lessons fun, try experimenting with some creative advanced techniques.

Here are three ways you can spice up your lessons:

1) Play games together.

This idea works best when you already know each other well. It helps build trust among friends who are learning something new together.

To start, ask your student to pick 3-5 questions about their musical instrument. For instance, “What kind of strings does my electric guitar have?”

After answering all 5 questions, give them 10 minutes to come up with answers. Then, tell them which question was correct.

Next, go over the answer assignment sheet and see where they got confused. Ask them to clarify certain points.

Finally, reward them with an ice cream cone.

2) Create a scavenger hunt.

Scavenger hunts are great for beginners. They allow everyone to participate at their own pace.

Start by asking your student what type of music he/she likes listening to. Next, brainstorm ideas for activities based on his/her interests.

Then, assign him/her 1 point per activity completed. When finished, award them with a prize.

3) Have a competition.

Competitions are perfect for intermediate players. The more experienced ones tend to get bored during practice sessions.

So, instead of practicing alone, invite another person into the room. Let them play along as you teach.

When teaching someone else, always remember to pay attention to details like tempo changes, dynamics, articulation, etc.

And lastly, encourage your friend to take notes.

Remember, there’s no need to rush through things. Take time to learn from mistakes. You’ll only become better musicians if you put in the effort.

Do Online Music Lessons Work?

Yes! There are many benefits associated with online types of music lessons.

Here are just a few reasons why people choose to study online:

• Flexibility – Students can work whenever they feel comfortable. No longer do they have to wake early before school or stay late after class.

• Convenience – With online classes, students can access their virtual music lesson materials anytime, anywhere. All they need is internet connection.

• Cost savings – Since most schools offer free tuition, online courses save parents thousands of dollars every year.

• Accessible – Most online programs provide 24 hour accessibility. So, even though you may live far away, you still have access to quality instruction.

• Variety – Some online instructors specialize in different types of subjects such as online piano lessons.

• Customized – Instructors tailor their complete music curriculum according to individual needs. This allows students to focus on areas that interest them most.

• Self paced – Unlike traditional methods, online classes don’t require strict schedules. Instead, students set their own schedule.

• Interactive – Many online programs include discussion forums, blogs, chat rooms, video file tutorials, etc. These features help enhance channel of communication between instructor and student.

• Personal Attention – In addition to having one-on-one interaction with online music teachers, students also receive feedback via email.

• Relevant Content – Online courses usually contain high-quality content. As long as it meets minimum requirements, instructors will be able to pass certification exams.

• Quality Education – While studying online, students gain knowledge about various topics including theory, history, technique, performance, composition, improvisation, ear training, sight reading, etc.

Music lessons are an excellent way to learn a new instrument. They also provide a fun outlet activities for children who love music.

Pros & Cons Of Teaching Music Online

Teaching music online has become an increasingly popular option for people who want to earn extra income while staying at home.

It’s also a great way to supplement your current income if you already teach music in person.

But before you jump in, there are a few things you should consider first.

Here are the pros and cons of teaching music online.


  • Freedom – When you teach online, you get to decide when and where you teach. If you prefer working during off hours, then this could be perfect for you.
  • Flexibility – Because you control how much money you make, you can easily adjust your schedule around family obligations.

For example, some families might not allow kids to attend regular daycare because they believe it interferes with learning.

But since you teach online, you won’t have to worry about missing out on important milestones like birthday parties or doctor appointments.

  • Money-Saving Opportunities – One of the biggest advantages of teaching online is that you can cut costs by eliminating travel expenses.

You’ll save lag time too! Since you only need internet connection, you won’t spend gas driving back and forth from school to home.

And since you work remotely, you won’t incur any additional office space fees either.

  • No Classroom Setting Required – The beauty of teaching online is that all you really need is a computer and Internet service provider.

There’s no classroom advanced settings required so you can start earning right away without investing thousands of dollars upfront.

  • Less Competition – With more than 1 million jobs available nationwide, competition is fierce.

However, teaching online means less competition. That doesn’t mean you won’t find clients; just that you won’t compete against other teachers for those same gigs.

  • Potential Career Advancement – Teaching online opens doors to new career-type opportunities.

As technology continues to advance, we’re seeing more companies looking for qualified professionals to fill positions ranging from customer support agents to software developers.

  • Increased Income Potential – While you will still need to invest in equipment, you can potentially charge higher rates compared to traditional instructors.

Plus, you can offer multiple services including lessons, private coaching sessions, group classes, etc.


  • Lack Of Face Time – Although you may feel as though you’re getting paid well, you don’t actually see students face to face.

This makes it difficult to gauge their progress and determine whether or not they’ve learned anything.

  • Limited Experience – Even though most community music school require applicants to hold a degree in education, many programs do not include training courses specifically geared towards online teaching .

So even if you pass the test, you may lack experience.

  • Unpredictable Schedule – Unlike traditional classrooms, you cannot predict what days and times you’ll be able to teach.

Some weeks you may be booked solid but others you may struggle to book one student per week.

  • Difficulties Finding Clients – Many parents simply aren’t aware of the benefits of hiring an instructor who teaches concepts about music online lessons.

They assume that there are plenty of local musicians willing to take part in lesson plans.

Unfortunately, this isn’t always true. If you want to earn extra income, you must actively market yourself.


The best way to teach music is to make sure students are having fun, stay focused on the lesson, and to help them understand the material.

This is true for both online lessons and offline lessons.

Music industry can be an expensive hobby, but if you are willing to learn, there are many free resources available to you.

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A Wife, a mum and a Tutor! I am the Lead Editor at TheTutor.Link & also the Head Tutor there. I love teaching seeing young minds flourish. I also love blogging and sharing my experience on the world wide web.